Resume # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Resume 1
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Warren A. Gore
Tucson, AZ
Seeking position as a Unix system administrator utilizing 9 years experience with multiple platforms including NT however specializing in Sun Solaris. Self motivated, dedicated and up to any task that I am given.
123 Air Communications Squadron, Dennis AFB, MN
Lead Solaris System Administrator
- Perform all duties related to Solaris system administration NIS+, DNS. NFS, user account maintenance, backup & recovery, Auto-mounting, Licence Management, Printer configuration
- Coordinate computer resources and support for multi service exercises of 500+ users and managers
- Administer applications allowing cross utilization between NT4.0 and Solaris operating systems Significant Accomplishments
- While deployed to Saudi Arabia performed Joint Chiefs of Staff directed upgrade to application software. Previous system administrators were unable to make upgrade work
- Performed theater wide upgrade to 8 systems at 5 different locations from home base eliminating need to deploy system administrators to each site.
- Accomplished technical refresh on local Solaris server suite upgrading machines from older Sparc architecture to state of the art Ultra Enterprise servers.
- Awarded Joint Service Achievement Medal for 3 months work in Saudi Arabia
143 Computer Systems Squadron, Germany
Lead Regional Command and Control System Analyst
- Command and Control System Engineering Technician
- Monitored overall status and health of 3M Global Command and Control System supporting Department of Defense Joint Chiefs of Staff and over 350 regional customers.
- Analyzed Sun software/hardware using scripts and commercial software providing metrics and recommendations for performance tuning to senior leadership.
- Installed and configured hardware/software, maintained user accounts and wrote scripts to perform system backups.
Significant Accomplishments
- Engineered procedures to remotely install Sun operating system and application software on over 60 machines located all over Europe from a central location.
- Handpicked for deployment to Incirlik AB Turkey to reinstall and reconfigure network of Sun workstations, which were continually failing.
- Led 5-person team in effort to build an Enterprise 4000 Oracle database server. Completed the project in 3 weeks when previous team lead had failed after a month.
- Attended leadership training graduating with honors Distinguished Graduate in the top 5 of the class
- Awarded Joint Service Commendation Medal for 3 months work in Incirlik Turkey
- Awarded Air Force Commendation Medal
Air Combat Command Computer Systems Squadron, Langry AFB, VT
Systems Administration Specialist
- Maintained a 5M Sun/DEC/HP heterogeneous environment supporting the entire software lifecycle for a 2.7B military command and control system. Responsible for the maintenance and procurement of both hardware and software.
- Procured, installed and tested commercial software and operating system releases and updates.
- Performed other basics system administration tasks already outline above. Significant Accomplishments
- Designed, procured materials and implemented a network consisting of an FDDI token ring backbone and several Ethernet segments using Sun workstations with dual network interface cards as routers.
- Wrote scripts to backup servers to a previously unused 12 tape DAT stacker. Scripts performed flawlessly using error detection and notification if problems arose.
- Due to software limitations in NIS, developed a set of scripts using rdist to disseminate the password and shadow files for over 60 Unix workstations. Used file locking techniques to ensure data integrity throughout the network.
- Awarded Air Force Commendation Medal
- Systems Programmer Technical School -1992 United States Air Force Training Command
- Advanced UNIX -1992 United States Air Force Training Command
- Sun System Administration 4.1.2 -1993 Metters Industries Sun Certified Trainer
- Sun Installation and Maintenance -1993 Metters Industries Sun Certified Trainer
- Sun Advanced Installation and Maintenance -1993 Metters Industries Sun Certified Trainer
- Sun Advanced System Administration -1993 Metters Industries Sun Certified Trainer
- SunOS 4.1.x to Solaris 2.x Differences -1993 Metters Industries Sun Certified Trainer
- C language Programming -1995 United States Air Force Training Command
- Advanced C language Programming -1995 United States Air Force Training Command
- Oracle User -1996 United States Air Force Training Command
- Oracle DBA -1996 United States Air Force Training Command
- Configuration and Maintenance of CISCO Routers -1996 United States Air Force
- Train the Trainer -1997 United States Air Force
- Management School -1998 United States Air Force
- Unix Security Administrator -1998 United States Air Force Training Command
Top Secret SCI, NATO Secret
References available upon request.
Resume 2
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Dennis Reno
To secure a position as a Systems Engineer, where my education, training, and proven ability can be fully applied.
Experience Summary
- Offer a Bachelor of Science Degree from Pace University, reinforced by twenty five years of successful experience as a professional, including fourteen years of substantial experience as a UNIX Administrator, Network Administrator, and Production Analyst.
- Strong planner, organizer, and problem solver who has developed and maintained high-profile decision support systems.
- Academically trained to take abstract concepts and develop strategies that enable my clients to meet their time and profit goals.
- Excellent communication and customer service skills. Can be counted on to represent the organization effectively.
Functional/Technical Skills
Information UNIX System/Network Administration, Novell NetWare, LAN Design and System Experience configurations, DNS/NIS management, NFS, Automounter, TCP/IP suite, Shell programming Languages, Oracle Database Administration, HP OpenView, Network Node Manager, Volume Logic, WebLogic 6.1 “Load Balancing Software” Network Array Sun- Clustering , DAS, Distributed Application Services Sun Clustering Technology, API Application Program Interface, Veritas LVM SUNWvxvm 2.6 , VRTSvxvm 3.0.3, Legato Networker 4.1, and XcelleNet RemoteWare Communication software, familiar with JumpStart, RARP– diskless nodes technology. Web based technologies-Install Netscape, Apache – HP Openview/NNM/ITO, Perfview/mwa, Exceed 6.1 -workstation – X-terminal emulation
Operating Systems:
HP-UX 10.x 11, Sun O.S 4.x.x, Solaris 2.4, Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.7 Linux 2.2, Digital Unix 3.2c OSF/1 and AIX 3.2.5. Windows NT 4.0
Areas of Expertise:
System & Network performance tuning, Kernel reconfigurations, Static and Dynamic routing, Network Protocols, DNS, NFS, NIS, HA, Veritas LVM 2.6 , 3.0.3 Server Installs and Configurations, Novell NetWare support, Windows NT 4.0 Network O.S, Cisco Systems Catalyst 2900 Series Switch, and problem solving and deductive reasoning. Maintenance and Service Contract negotiator Sun–HP and other vendors.
Hardware SoftwareCluster/Backup Management: Veritas Cluster, Veritas, HP Omniback II, IBM SAM. Disaster Recovery –and planning. Oracle 7.3.3 migrate from HP-UX 9.4 and Oracle 7.1.4. Install Oracle 7.3.3
PACE University, New York, NY, Bachelors of Science Degree in Information Systems
- Veritas Logical Volume Manager, Edison, NJ
- Certified HP Openview Administrator, Burlington, NJ
Work Experience
5/94 – till date
SunCast Technologies, Inc., Brattford, RI
System Administration/Instructor
Environment: HP-UX; Sun Solaris; OSF/1
Provide: System and Network Administration training, which include but is not limited to installing UNIX HP, Solaris, UNIX internals, NFS/NIS management, and DNS Configuration; Installation and configuration Logical Volume Manager HP and Solaris , SUNWvxvm, 2. 6 ,VRTSvxvm 3.0.3 ; Sun- Clustering Network Array, EMC; composing educational material to support the instructional environment. Adept at Supporting third party applications; Alpha Servers 2100
TurtleWeb Technologies, Emmerwood, NY
Unix System Engineer/Administrator
WebTrends Enterprise Reporting Server Administrator ; Implemented system to monitor Web Traffic Analysis for HA systems Sun clustering systems all across WAN-Citibank; environment Name Services –DNS, NIS, and NFS;
Utilized Web Server technology : Netscape / Apache 1.3.9, Browser 4.5.7: Netscape, Oracle 8.1.5, E4500 series server to generate analytical report for managers and others– trend followers.
Bear Stearns Whippany, NJ
System Engineer/Administrator Independent Consultant
Environment: Solaris 2.x;
Qwest Deployment team ; environment –Name Services–DNS, NIS, and, NFS. JumpStart, RARP -diskless nodes, Installed and designed systems for clients; Solaris 2.6 Systems E4500 series ; Landmark load balance software , Sun Clustering, HA , VRTSvxvm- VM Veritas 3.0.3 EMC Powerpath 1.5 Volume Logic WebLogic “Load Balancing Software allowing several host to access one EMC cluster disk array via fiber channel. Updated 32-bit NIC to 64-bit, Loaded drivers for JNI Fiber HBA 64-bit system. Updated from JNIFCAEMC.PKG 32-bit drivers to JNIFCAWEMC.PKG 64-bit drivers. /kernel/drv/fcaw.conf – installed servers.
10/99 – 1/00
Boeger Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ridgelance, RI
System Engineer/Administrator Independent Consultant
Providing HP-UX 11 support; Linux 2.2 disk configuration; web server : Apache 1.3.9 HP Server class L, N, and V. worked in all capacity.
1/99 – 10/99
All American Telecommunications, Sweet Island, NY
System Engineer/Administrator/Acting Manager, I.T. Consultant
Environment: Sun, Solaris 2.5.1/ 2.7 -NT4 ;
Implemented Billing System and Fault/Performance System Service Coordinator on Sun Microsystems Enterprise Server 4500 and Netra t 1125 SPARC Processors ; install Solaris 2.5.1-2.7; install U/SQL 3.10 Report Writer on Unix server/client-workstation; installed / configured Exceed 6.1on workstation for X-terminal emulation–access Unix Servers; managed Sun StorEdge, SUNWvxvm, Network Array Sun- Clustering Veritas LVM 2.6 , A5000 Network Arrays ,SAN; Install / configured Network Protection Liebert SiteNet2 UPS, Java RunTime Environment– NIS/NFS Environment ; support Cisco Systems Catalyst 2900 Series Switch; manage X.25 tool used to facilitate connection to access EWSD Switch Telephony allowing GTE 4.1 tool to poll Switch and process AMA data. Network Topology –T1, T3, Patch Panel, Internet Service Provider; Support and trained end-users. Built system from inception out-of-box ; hardware E-4500, A5000 Network Array ; O.S. Solaris 2.5.1, North American Telecom. Y2k Issues Disaster Recovery –and planning.
7/98 – 12/98
Orange Cola Corp., Valgreen, NY
System Engineer/Administrator DataBase Administrator Consultant
Environment: HP-UX, Sun Solaris 2.x
Provided support: System performance; system architecture; install / configured Exceed 6.1on workstation for X-terminal emulation–access Unix Servers; Oracle database support, worked with Oracle consultants providing unix recommendation HP-UX. System audit Sun Solaris, system performance, constructed procedure for cross network backups, capacity planning. Support client with unix technical expertise in the development of Ivillage Web Site.
12/97 – 6/98
Warner Temberline, Belleplains, NJ
System Engineer/Administrator, DataBase Administrator, Consultant
Environment: HP-UX Digital Unix;
Project description: Implement HP-UX 10.20, Oracle 7.3.3 migrate from HP-UX 9.4 and Oracle 7.1.4. Install Oracle 7.3.3, Windows NT 4.0 Sever, HP-UX 10.20, and Netstation Software 8.0., Enware 6.0- Common Desktop Environment CDE . Administered Digital Unix Ver 3.2c Alpha server 2100- formerly known as OSF/1 disaster recovery-System configuration– SAS612 application; perform Administrative functions –Oracle 7.1.4. Administer DLB systems Version 4.0 ALERT Adverse Event Monitoring System –querying tool. Provide Oracle 7.1.4 and Unix Support end-users. Y2K coordinator for Medical Regulatory Affairs group. Disaster Recovery .
9/97 – 12/97
Wilson Martin, Inc., Tarryland, NY
System Engineer/Administrator Consultant
Environment: IMS HP-UX;
Installed HP-UX 10.20, Oracle 7.3.3-Configured Raw Database ,Netscape SuiteSpot and SuiteSpot Pro and the HP Netscape Enterprise Server 2.01, Netscape s release 3.01, MirrorDisk/UX, HPGlancePlus, HP patches ;configured Font Server, enabled Common Desktop Environment CDE – configured X-Terminal, EntriaPlus-HP Enware 6.0, configured LAN Interface for network use, created Anonymous ftp Server, mirrored system , root and swap logical volumes and volume groups. Set up Trusted Systems. Configured DNS for service -Netscape dependency ; Configured routing table-Static routing, Dynamic routing-Routing Protocol, configured gated-RIP-Cisco Router; Hardware: k-260 and D-270. HP 9000, series 800 Web-Site Project
1/97 – 6/97
Grispen Electronics, Dahwah, NJ
UNIX System Administrator Consultant
Environment: HP-UX , Novell NetWare;
Responsibilities included: conducting System and Network Administration training; reconstructing and implementing new system specification; design Database file system layout for PROGRESS, MFG/PRO QAD, Mirroring K-210 HP-UX 10.01; Upgrade 10.10 ; set up trusted systems; document procedures, and expert advisor to management. Provided support to Novell NetWare Administrator in areas of expertise.
10/96 – 1/97
ABC Security Industry, Brooklyn, NY
UNIX System Administrator, Consultant
Environment: Automation Exchange HP-UX ;
Responsibilities: Install HP-UX 10.10–build HP-UX 9000/700,800; G-class K-class to specification Document procedures; Train users: Network Node manager, HP OpenView IT/Operation; install CA-Ingres 6.4, 1.1. Network troubleshooter; LAN card configuration, install Windows NT workstation, X- station eXeed, Install MeasureWare, – Enware X Station Software, Laserjet Admin. Support end users.
9/95 – 9/96
United Network Integrators, Trumlake, MA
UNIX System Administrator Consultant
Environment: HP-UX, Novell NetWare;
Responsibilities included: Installing HP Openview and Network Node Manager for the monitoring and trapping such local and LAN events as high CPU usage and sudden increases of LAN activities; defined SNMP MIB s to track performance and peak usage on the client s internal WellFleet and Cisco routers; configured redundant NFS/NIS
2/95 – 9/95
RRR Technology, Tampa, FL
UNIX Systems Administrator Consultant
Environment: HP-UX , DAS API , Sun Solaris;
Responsibilities included: Managed DAS , API forefront to Sun s Clustering tech. cnodes Clustering Nodes into one system/ domain ; application servers services calling on each other for respective services i.e., showdas . Configuring routing tables; ordering and then enabling LAN drops and their relative ports; Troubleshooting hardware failures; Managing NIS database maps netgroup, auto, home, etc. ; Kernel parameter tuning; Installing latest versions of application software and kernel patches; Tracing and enhancing network performance; Supported multiple Client/Server applications using Motif front-ends and a mainframe backend; Installing and administering network printers
7/94 – 2/95
UUU Watson Research Labs, Ellistown, NY
UNIX System Administrator Consultant
Environment: AIX, Sun, Solaris;
Responsibilities Included: Managing the migration of Legacy applications from the IBM Mainframe, Series-x platform using FDDI; Providing environmental statistics, such as RAID capacity, program version control and network traffic to ensure data integrity of the product; Instructing the Application design team on the UNIX internals and the behavioral characteristics of the network.
7/93 – 7/94
Ardis Medical Education Ltd., Terton, CT
Unix / Network Administrator Consultant
Environment: Sun Solaris, Novell NetWare
Responsibilities included: ordering and then certifying LAN drops to support new users to the computing environment; installing and configuring X-stations; providing such support to end-users as troubleshooting network failures, NFS/NIS complications, and e-mail concerns; capturing statistical information pertaining to network load using the standard SNMP MIB II structures; initially installed and replaced Ethernet cards into new and existing workstations; designed and constructed new cables to accommodate the special needs of the client; installing and developing a network-wide backup schematic using Legato Networker. Assistant Novell NetWare Administrator.
11/92 – 7/93
Orange Corporation, Somers, NY
UNIX System Administrator, Consultant
Environment: HP-UX
Responsibilities included: supporting a multi-layered online infrastructure running HP-UX 9.x that provided such services as NFS/NIS, DNS, E-Mail and priming; writing interactive and batch mode shell scripts to both provide a portal into the administrative environment as well as invoke sub processes that performed such services as backups, capture TCP/IP connections and monitor routing table entries; installing con figuring third party administrative software to ease the administration of such applications as DNS and the various priming utilities.
11/89 – 11/92
Wildcom Entertainment, New York, NY
UNIX Administrator
Environment: Sun, Solaris, HP-UX
Responsibilities included: supporting the user community by managing a multi operating system environment including HP-UX, Sun and SCO UNIX; training client personnel on the differences and advantages of the supported operating systems; provided support for troubleshooting the various hardware/software problems that arose; developing a Quality Assurance environment using all three supported operating systems using NFS/NIS and DNS; creating new user accounts; implementing and monitoring system-wide security.
Resume 3
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Daniel Klever
Sunnyvale, CA
Seek a Unix system administration position utilizing the following expertise:
- Top-tier system-wide troubleshooting and scripting capabilities
- Maintaining a secure, integrated heterogeneous computing environment
- IT management/total site responsibility and overseeing IT projects from beginning to end
- Networking capabilities ranging including DNS, NIS, DHCP, Web and E-mail
Northwest Marine Systems
Senior Unix Administrator
- Support between 200-300 engineers, 100+ high end Sun/SGI workstations as well as Solaris-based database, network file, application and license servers in a critical, 24x7x52 operation, including remote administration of servers on the East Coast.
- Manage Unix support group of 4-6 administrators, plan and execute budgets, purchases, forecasts and maintenance contracts for all levels of Unix operation, including product and vendor selection/oversight and assisting in annual staff performance reviews.
- Developed/maintain disaster recovery plans and procedures for three of twelve business-critical services including site-wide Veritas-based backup system, off-site tape storage procedures, etc.
- Provide remote, phone and hands-on support and training for engineering software packages including PTC products, CAD systems, RDM and PDM services at all levels, including limited Windows NT/2000 support issues such as license servers, SAMBA service, printers, etc.
- Designed and implemented a complete infrastructure transition from an SGI/Irix based to a Solaris/Sun based operation within 15 month time span while maintaining a 99 server uptime. Completed project on time, under budget and maintained legacy applications whenever necessary. Implementation included development and presentation of a business-case justification to senior management, which was adopted and funded without modification.
- Designed and developed system-wide web-based monitoring system which monitors/reports system log entries, stale processes, changes to filesystem/security/memory and CPU load changes, every 15 minutes, reporting on system conditions, paging as necessary and records long term data for trend analysis and resource allocation tracking.
- Designed and developed Perl-based license monitoring tool which tracks and plots license usage as well as reclaiming unused licenses. Script saved approximately 75,000 in additional license purchases during the first year.
BBB Consulting
IT Manager
- Provide technical evaluation of customer sites, develop IT infrastructure improvement plans and oversee junior administrators, contractors and consultants towards the completion and on-going maintenance of customer sites ranging in size from 20-300 user bases.
- Oversee international software development projects for commercially targeted client/server software systems in mixed Unix/Windows environment. Responsibilities included production team management, coordination and design/development of software product line, testing and evaluation procedures as well as limited marketing research efforts focus group design, leading, etc.
University of RI, Math Sciences Computing Facility
Senior Systems Programmer
- Supported between 600-1400 users, including faculty, office staff, and graduate students in Math and Statistics departments of the University of RI
- Administration of Linux, Sun, BSDi, and HP Unix systems
- Managed e-mail systems, including POP, SMTP, text, and web-based clients, as well as virus scanning/filtering software
- Installed, configured and managed DNS service for several domains
- Managed web server, including CGI scripting, web-based database access, support for several web-based projects
- Managed FTP archive, such as mirroring software, and internal vs. external access coordination and management
- Maintained system security, including password checks, permission scans, implementation of Kerberos in Windows/Unix environment. In February 2000, identified hacker efforts, which launched Web site attacks from system machines within hours of attack commencement. Developed and implemented system security checks design to ensure access paths closed and monitor all systems to identify attack origination. Consulted with FBI on attack.
- Managed instructional lab 1997-present : Trained, supervised, and mentored part-time student staff of 10 each semester. Selected students for promotion to Math Sciences staff. Managed user access of approx. 100 students per semester. Maintain security through controlled account creations and deletions, account permission limitation, etc.
- Extensive development of maintenance scripts to monitor system status, providing web-based, e-mail, and pager notification of system problems such as security breaches, loss of network connectivity, mail queues, user activity, disk allocation, and application availability .
- Produced online, on-demand streaming videos, including production, editing, conversion to online streaming format, and presentation on supporting web pages.
- Developed, maintained, and continually improved web-based interactive math homework and quiz system WQS .
- Windows 2000 6/00 : Lead 3-day workshop on system installation, configuration, and network/domain design of Windows2000 with legacy NT and Unix systems.
- Windows NT, Unix 3/98 : Led 15 1-day workshops for Math and Statistics department faculty on using Windows NT/Unix hybrid environment, BSDi/SunOS/HP Unix and Windows NT 4.0.
- Project GO! 8/96 : 2-day hands-on workshop for 30 secondary and university teachers to install, configure, and connect Windows 95-based PCs to WWW for classroom use. Workshop made possible by UK grant.
- Unix System Administration for U.S. Army 7/94 : Conducted individualized, hands-on, week-long workshops with 4 Army recruiting administrators.
- Unix System Administration Summer 1993 : Under contract with the Rockefeller Institute, conducted 2-week training course for 15 international computer specialists including installation, administration, security, and use of Unix on Data General Avion DG/UX, TCP/IP, DNS, e-mail, Internet news, as well as shell programming, LaTeX, and software portability.
Distance Learning Program Manager and Instructor via satellite/televised Internet courses for UK Math Sciences:
- Computers in the Classroom 1998 : Teaching secondary and university teachers to use CHISEL technology in the classroom
- Using Windows NT Fall 1997 : Introductory course on Windows NT and the Internet
- Using Windows 95 Spring 1997 : Introductory course on Windows 95 and the Internet
- Internet Communications for Teachers Fall 1996 : for teachers using instructional web technology in classroom.
- Using Unix I Fall 1995 and Using Unix II Spring 1996 : Introductory and advanced course in use of Unix operating system.
- Advanced Topics in Operating Systems graduate level, Fall 1995 : Co-taught with Math Sciences Senior Scientist as part of state-wide community college enhancement program.
Designed and developed Web-based Quiz System WQS
Developed CGI/Perl-based web system allowing teachers to develop homework assignments and quizzes for online presentation using native tools such as MS Word, Maple, or HTML editors. System grades student responses, records student performance, and provides student with correct answers and opportunity to provide feedback to the instructor. Students could access system 24×7, allowing for immediate feedback on performance. Automated grading function resulted in significant staff time and cost saving. System replaced traditional homework assignments in 5 different classes over 4 semesters. Utilized by students for homework or quizzes in excess of 25K times per semester.
Designed and developed CHISEL System 1994-1998
Developed CDROM-based instructional technology, which provided advanced Calculus materials to remote students. Three CHISEL versions were designed and developed, on Unix, Windows 95/98, and NT. Through grant from National Science Foundation Calculus Reform Program.
- Designed, developed and deployed remote network/email/server monitoring system for Hafer and Arnold 2002. Also designed and managed initial IT infrastructure transition plan for this client.
- Installed and configured Linux-based email servers at Vermel RSI, Inc.
- Project manager for web-based contract proposal system using ColdFusion, MS Access and various web-authoring tools for San Jose Valley Water District board. 2002
- Developed successful remote office relocation plan for Puma Technologies 2001
- Designed and developed large-scale CGI-based data processing system for Equistop Company 1999-2001
- System interfaces with Equibase legacy database to present thoroughbred horserace results via the company s Web site within 3 minutes of information posting. Considered the premier site for race results by the thoroughbred racing industry.
- Designed and developed E-Commerce product for Equistop Company 1999-2001
- Chart Plus provides a visual representation of actual thoroughbred horse races through the use of a Java-based applet. Revenue generating product for Equistop.
- Designed, developed, and programmed Help System for U.S. Federal Government Printing Office 1993-1994
- Design and management of help system for large software development system, development of low-level development tools in C, higher level interfaces using tcl/tk, shell programming and PERL. Included development and instruction of several training workshops and presentation of project progress to Chair of U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee. Grant from GPO Federal Locator project.
- Computation Service Consultant to Lieutenant Governor s Office, Commonwealth of CT 1990-1994, full term
- Consulted on system design, development and purchasing decisions for hardware, software, and maintenance of Lt. Governor s office. Designed and developed Lt. Governor s event scheduling software.
- Designed, developed, and maintained online questionnaire and survey forms for National Communication Association, multiple UK College of Communication research projects, the Lexington Health Prevention AIDS Awareness project, and several other non-profit organizations.
Master of Arts, University of RI, 2000; Thesis
Thesis concentrated on instructional communication and technology. Research project involved assessment of several IT technologies I developed and/or maintained WQS, on-line videos, web systems, e-mail, etc. Thesis publication pending, entitled Improving instructional communication using an active student-centric systems approach: Investigating the relationship between learning styles and technology preference
Bachelor of Sciences, Telecommunications with Computer Science minor, University of RI, 1999
- Unix systems: HP, Sun/Solaris, BSD, Linux, AIX, Sequent Symmetry, DEC Vaxen, NeXT, SGI, and others
- Other Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Primos, VM/CMS
- Languages: C/C++, Java/JavaScript, PERL, VBasic, shell scripting, Tcl/Tk, Fortran
- Other applications: ColdFusion 5.0, MS Access/SQL/Oracle, Veritas Volume Manager, Veritas NetBackup, Netscape iPlanet, Apache webserver.
References available upon request.
Resume 4
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Albert Grove
Elk Brook, CA
Use 15 years of computer and computer related experience to further my career as a System Administrator.
SDC Corporation, Rancho Blanca, CA
12/00 to present
Level 2 HP-UX analyst for the OTS West HP-UX/IBM Support Team in a Data Center environment
- Support all HP-UX OS problems that the Level 1 Team cannot resolve.
- Client lead on 2 accounts.
- Responsible for all system and database backup and restores. Used OmniBackII, Veritas Netbackup, and Legato Networker. Modified and created scripts for backup/restore.
- Configured environments for new customers. Configuration included hardware FC60, SC10, Model20, Brocade Switch, N4000, L2000, L3000, K570, K400, K200, E55 . Operating systems that I am responsible for are 10.20, and 11.00.
- Used LVM extensively for creating LUNs, building volume groups, and creating and maintaining file systems.
- Interacted with Business Managers and customers on a weekly basis to communicate any issues or improvements.
- Supported 2 and 3 node HA clusters utilizing MC/ServiceGuard.
- Supported and troubleshot the LAN for each customer. This was to include configuration of server routing tables and NIC configurations.
- Added and supported network and remote printers for customers.
- Created scripts to monitor systems and automation of daily tasks and customer requests.
- Created LVM and Printer documentation and put it on the campus intranet for the Level One Support Team so that they could better support the internal and external customers.
- Taught an LVM class for to Level 1 System Administrators.
- Worked with SAP and Oracle dbas to bring databases up and down, execution of data base scripts, and troubleshoot problems.
- Responsibilities to also include patch analysis, performance monitoring and analysis, and system security.
Miranda Corporation, Pleasanton, CA
03/00 to 12/00
HP-UX System Administrator
Miranda is a Net Sourcing company that not only hosts the customers Application but also provides front to rear support for all facets of the network LAN, WAN, MAN, backbone, switches and routers, and CoLos . As a System Administrator we supported multiple Unix platforms such as AIX, HPUX, and Sun servers.
SMC Engineer Data Center 03/00 to 06/00
- Did all UNIX support first through third level for customer base in the SMC Data Center.
- Created procedures for server support in the SMC.
- Reviewed the SOW Statement of Work for customers and made corrections where necessary.
- Created Server Administration group to analyze, target, and put into place procedures to decrease the down time of customer servers.
- Created quick fix documentation for SMC to aid in reducing customer down time for servers.
- Supported Solaris 2.7 and 2.8, HP-UX 10.20 and 11.0, and AIX.
- Was designated lead UNIX Administrator.
- Created the after hours support matrix for UNIX Support for SMC.
- Used Naviscore and ITO for problem identification and notification for network and server platforms.
Customer Engineering 06/00 to 12/00
- Created standardization documentation for UNIX server builds for new customers.Worked with Product Development group on Back Up strategies and documentation for support of Veritas NetBackup for all current and new customers.
- Attended HP MC/ServiceGuard training at HP Training Facility.
- Interfaced with Implementation group to assist with MC/ServiceGuard configuration and installation.
- Designed HP-UX servers for customers according to their needs.
- Built a HP Ignite Server for Implementation team to facilitate bringing new customers up in a more expedient manner.
- Standardized HPUX file system size and kernel parameter values for overall integrity and supportability of all HPUX servers on the data center floor.
Westford Corp., Roseville, CA
08/99 to 03/00
System Administrator, AIT Division, Contractor
- Worked in the AIT Division as a System Administrator. Supported 22 HP9000 servers running on 10.20 and 11.0 OS.
- Wrote shell scripts for servers as need to automate requested services and also for daily backup of data.
- Servers had a variety of RAID 0, 0+1, 5 and Array configurations AutRaid, Model20, Model10, Jamaica Box that had to be supported.
- Good knowledge of LVM, Disk Management Utility . Used daily for file system creation and file system management.
- Administrated VXFS as well as HFS file systems.
- Administrated backup requests using OmniBack product.
- Did the first level of Network Administration and trouble shooting for severs.
- System Administrator to three major print servers for the HP Roseville campus.
Digidata L.L.D., Elk Brook, California
01/99 to 08/99
System Administrator, IT/Eng Department
Digidata develops Automotive Repair software for the Service Repair industry. They are primarily a Sun shop with 49 Sun servers and 16 NT servers.
- System administrator to all Sun servers as well as Sun Workstations.
- Server environment was a NIS+ and NFS setup.
- Backup and Storage Administrator. Used Legato 5.5 Networker Suite for backing data up to a ATL device and restoring from tape devices.
- Created, Set up, and administered all user accounts on Unix and NT.
- In charge of all network printers and print servers. Print servers were Unix and NT.
- Did problem resolution for Application development team, Informix DBA, and end users.
- Worked on various departmental projects parallel with daily tasks and responsibilities.
Best Solutions, Lincoln, California
07/98 to 01/99
Senior HPUX System Administrator
- Supported the following HP hardware; K400 server, 2 E50 servers, 1 D370 server.
- Senior Unix Administrator and Backup NT Administrator. Systems supported are HP-UX 10.20, 9.04, and NT 4.0.
- Backup Network Manager. Supported HP and Cisco Switches, Hubs, and Routers on a LAN with 700 plus nodes on 4 class C subnets.
- Supported Oracle 7.3 Financials data base and worked with Oracle DBA in setting up data base environments as well as backup of all OS and data base data.
- Worked with Desktop Supervisor in creating and documenting IP Address configuration for Business Campus.
- Network Printer Manager. Administered 47 various HP printers on the LAN.
- Second level support for Desktop Support Group.
- Managed and Administrated all user domains, and accounts.
- Worked closely with Partners on campus and Hewlett Packard in setting up share accounts with Best Solutions.
- Did all hardware and software installations on HP 9000 K400 server, all HP printers, and scanners. In charge of Y2K compliance for the HP K400 Software and Hardware and all Printers on the LAN.
- Responsible for all installation of patches and other software pertaining to Y2K compliance and all testing of hardware and software for the UNIX environment.
- Wrote shell scripts for automating tasks.
- Assisted Oracle DBA in writing scripts for automating Oracle tasks on the UNIX Server.
- Attended and completed Cisco training class for routers and switches.
- Attended and completed at HP Training Facility Inside the HP-UX Operating System .
United Systems, Alameda, California
01/98 to 07/98
HPUX and Sun System Administrator
- Responsible for System Administration on all Sun and HP servers in the Software Development Department.
- Did all software installation and configuration.
- Tuned servers for maximum efficiency for Oracle and DB2 Data Bases.
- Aided Oracle and DB2 data base administrators in installing data bases, building data base, refreshing and overlaying data bases, removing data bases, and backing up of all data bases.
- Created, documented, and implemented back up and disaster recovery plans.
- Wrote shell scripts in the Bourne, Korn, and Posix shells.
- Backup AIX System Administrator.
- Platforms used: RS6000, Sun Ultra3000, HP E35, HP D380, and HP D350.
- Supported and used the following Operating Systems: AIX 4.2, AIX 4.3, HPUX 10.10, HPUX 10.20, Solaris 2.6, NT4.0, and Win95.
- Supported internal users in mapping PC s and Laptops to databases.
- Company was bought by PeopleSoft and personnel subsequently laid off.
Grinberg Corp., Roseville, California
09/97 to 01/98
System Administration HPUX Support Engineer, Contractor
- Responsible for supporting Unix System Administrator customers with HP/UX 9.x and 10.x operating systems questions and problems via telephone, FAX, and email. Researched the data base for known problems or tested the customers problem on a test system in the same environment. Aided customer in resolving their problem using the tools in the HP/UX OS or from the command line.
- Completed HP/UX 10.01 System Administrator Course. The course covered all the essential System Administration tasks necessary for a system administrator to support the 9.x and 10.x OS environment.
- Extensively worked with LVM to solve customer problems with disk management.
- Manually tuned and regenerated kernel parameters.
Pacific Systems & Computers, Santa Clara, California
04/97 to 09/97
Support Engineer/System Administrator.
- Responsibilities included HW/SW support for Telco related products in the UNIX environment. Also supported third party products sold as a VAR to the Telco / Communications Industry.
- Third party products sold and supported are:
- Check Point Firewall
- Data Kit
- TOLD Systems
- Veritas Disk Management software
- SUN software products
- Supported products utilizing the SUN HW / SW SunOS and Solaris 2.x UNIX environment to replicate problems and to find a resolution for the customer in a timely manner. Installed and tested all proprietary software as well as third party software in a SUN environment. Position required the Support Engineer had to be SUN Workgroup certified. This certification provides the following levels of expertise:
- System Administrator for 12 SUN Servers in the Lab.
- SUN SA135 System Administration.
- SUN SA285 Advanced System Administration certification
- Laid off due to company down sizing.
TRC Financial Systems, Sacramento, California
12/95 to 04/97
Customer Support Engineer
- Responsible for all HW / SW maintenance, repair, and upgrades of Pacific Bell s Bill Processing System that was under contract from TRW Financial Systems.
- System included 27 PC Image Processing stations, Computers, Electromechanical devices Bill Processing Transports, AT&T Encoders , multiple LAN networks, Intelligent Character Recognition ICR , Optical Character Recognition OCR , Mass Storage Units MSU , and Printing devices.
- Network consisted of a LAN Novel 4.x with 27 PCs, Encoders, and Transport devices on it.
- Troubleshot to component level.
- Familiar with and used IBM, OS2 Warp, and SunOS 4.x to operate and test system.
- Used Win311 and Windows 95 for Office Administration
TTT Laboratories, Inc., Alameda, California
01/94 to 12/95
Field Service Engineer, Northern California.
- Responsible for all HW / SW maintenance, repair, and upgrades of various Nuclear Medicine Camera Systems manufactured by ADAC and all peripheral devices attached to the system.
- System Administrator on SUN SPARC 1 through SPARC 20 Work Stations and Servers using SunOS 4.x OS.
- Responsible for installation and administration of Informix Database. Installed, Maintained and supported LAN using Novel 3.x.
- Responsible for installation and repair of System and Platform HW and SW, formatting devices, various types of printers, and Acquisition PCs 286 through 486DX .
- Troubleshot to component level.
Health Support, Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana
05/91 to 01/94
MRI Field Service Engineer.
- Responsible for all maintenance, repair, and upgrades for various MRI systems manufactured by Health Images and under service contracts in the New Orleans area.
- Hardware supported was DEC PDP11/84 computer, Acquisition PCs, Imaging System. Following daily and weekly duties also included maintenance and support of the Magnet – Gradient power supply system, Magnet – Transmitter and Receiver system, Cryogen s and Cryogen Transfer system, 3M Digital printer.
- Increased the system s reliability by designing and implementing a preventative maintenance schedule for all MRI sites.
- Laid off due to Health Support losing all local contracts in New Orleans.
United States Navy, California
04/85 to 04/91
FC3 Fire Control Technician
Responsible for operation, maintenance, and repair of the Lockheed MK84 Gun Fire Control System and all associated computers Univac 1219 Digital Computers and all peripheral devices.
- Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana – 102 hours. Part time and Full time attendance toward BS in Professional Geology.
CISCO Training:
- Introduction to Cisco Router Configuration
Hewlett Packard Training:
- Hands On with MC/ServiceGuard
- Inside the HP-UX Operating System
- HP-UX Performance and Tuning
- HP-UX 10.0 System Administrator Course
SUN Training:
- SA 135 System Administration course.
- SA 285 Advanced System Administration
United States Navy:
- Basic Electricity and Electronics School. Self paced, completed in 2 months.
- Fire Control Technician Advanced Electronics School. Eight-month school.
- Fire Control Technician Digital Computer School. Six-month school.
Resume 5
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Gibresh Radirah
- Over ELEVEN years of focused IT experience out of which over SEVEN and half years with system Installation, Configuration and Administration of Sun Solaris Ver. 8, 2.6, 2.5.1, Unixware ver 2.01 & Sco-Unix Rel 4.0.
- Solid SIX and half years as Sun Solaris System administration in System Designing & Implementation.
- Complete knowledge of Networking and communication devices, protocols TCP/IP & software that includes NFS, NIS, DNS, Automounter, High Availability & Disaster Recovery.
- Experience in Designing, Implementing and Configuring Disaster Recovery Site.
- Experience in Installation and configuration of Security Packages.
- Experience in Tuning Kernel Parameters in Unix Systems.
- Extensive experience on Veritas Volume Manager & Solstice Disksuit for disk configuration.
- Tuning the Kernel parameters in UNIX Systems.
- Experience in writing shell scripts and implementing Backup /Recovery strategies.
- Experience in Installation of Checkpoint Firewall.
- Over 2 years of experience in Installation and Configuration of Local Area Network Ver 3.12 and Windows 95 Networking.
- Over 1 year experience on Unisys 2200 Mainframe installation and configuration.
- About 1 year and six months of experience of Maintenance and troubleshooting of personal computers
- LAN Networking, Routing, IP-Address sub-netting
- Configuration of Network Protocols.
- Planning, Designing & Installing cabling work UTP, BNC, Serial type .
- Good communication, presentation, customer support and trouble shooting skills.
- Hardware : Sun family range from Sun E-6500, E-6000, E-4500, E-3000 to ultra Enterprise 450, 250, 220 and Netra T1 families Servers & ultra servers SS-10, SS-20, 250 ultra servers, Disk Array D1000/A1000, Multi Packs, SUN E-3000 Servers, Sun Sparc array 210, Tape Library L1000, L280, L9, Unisys U6000 UNIX Servers, Supermax R-3000/4000 RISC & CISC Based Servers, 2200 Unisys series Mainframe, Intel based Pcs >From 386 to Pentium-II Servers
- Operating Systems : Solaris 8, 7, 2.x, Unixware 2.01, SCO UNIX Ver 3.2 Rel 4.1, AT&T Unix System V, Unisys Unix, Windows NT Server and workstation 3.51/4.0, Windows 3.11/95, Novell Netware 3.x, Dos 6.22.
- Software : Veritas Cluster 1.3.0, Sun HA Cluster 1.3, Veritas Volume Manager 3.3, Veritas File System 3.4, Online Solstice Disksuite 4.1, Sun Solstice Backup Legato Networker 6.1, RMAN, Veritas Netbackup 3.1, System monitoring through SYMON, Online hardware testing VTSUI , Solstice adminsuit, Xterm manager, Sun CDE, Sun wabi Open Windows 3.x, TCP/IP, NFS, NIS, DNS, Sendmail, AWK & GREP utilities
- Networking Products : Cisco 2500 series Routers, Catalyst 2500 series switches, 3-com Hub, Motorola Modems, Unisys DCP Distributed Communication Protocol , Terminal server, Dos-Unix-Novell Netware & Windows NT connectivity using various protocols using TCP/IP, Ilinknet, PC/TCP
- Internet Web Application & Security Tools : Netscape Enterprise Server 2.5, HP Openview, Cisco Works, Checkpoint Firewall, TCP-Wrapper, Swatch, SSH, SUDO
- RDBMS : Oracle 8i, Installation and Configuration. Front end tools Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5
- Programming & Packages : C, Pascal, Basic, FORTRAN, Shell Programming, MS-OFFICE, Lotus, Netscape, MS Project, Microsoft Visio, Navigator.
May 2000 to Present
Sr. UNIX System Administrator
UNITED is the Pioneer in the Foreign Exchange Business. The Main goal of the project was to move the current existing Applications from the VAX/VMS platform to SUN UNIX Platform. The New Application comprised of 3 Tier design environment. Worked as a Sr. consultant in System Engineering Group whose primary function was to Design and implement the Unix system to achieve optimum performance from the Hardware, Software, Database and Application perspective.
- Implementation of Solaris Ver. 8 systems using Solstice Disksuit on Root Disk and Veritas Cluster Ver. 1.3.0 for High Availability, Veritas Volume Manager 3.3, Veritas File Sytem 3.4 on SUN E420, E220 and Netra T1 Servers.
- Designed Disk layouts on Disk array D1000/A1000 for the Oracle Database Installation.
- Creating Shell Scripts for Customizing Network Setup, Configure the Oracle User Environment, Creating and Mounting File system for the Oracle and setting up the Tuning parameter for the Oracle as well as Application.
- Created scripts which configure Veritas Cluster server.
- Involved in Installation and configuration of Security Packages like SSH, TCP_WRAPPER, SWATCH, NTP etc. Also created the script which will lockdown the system for Security purpose.
- Designed and Implemented Backup Strategy Plan and configured Backup Server using Legato Networker Ver. 6.1, Database Online Backup Using RMAN Recovery Catalog on Tape Library L1000 and L280.
- Created groups, pools, clients in the Legato Server.
- Configured Storedge Node and Devices in Legato.
- Configured RMAN Scripts for the Online Backup of Oracle Database. Also set up the Recovery catalog in Database.
- Designed and Implemented Disaster Recovery Site and Configured Disaster Recovery Site.
- Setup DNS Master and slave server using BIND Ver.8.2.3 for Primary as well as Disaster Recovery Site. Also Installed and configured Jumpstart Server for the Testing and Certification Group.
- For the Infrastructure i.e. inside corporate LAN Configure Veritas Netbackup Ver. 3.1 for the Backup. Also involved in regular updating of OS patches, Security Patches and upgrading of PROM Version.
- Providing Second Level Administration support on production Site and Regular support on Internal UNITED testing and Certification group as well Development Group.
Aug 99 to April 2000
Geuters America, Inc., NYC
Unix System Administrator
- Involved in Installation and configuration of Sun Servers like E-3000, E450, Ultra Servers.
- Used Veritas Volume Manager 2.6 for configuring Disk Array A5000 under the RAID 5 environment.
- Installation, configuration & trouble shooting problems on of Sun Cluster HA 1.3 & ODS 4.1 on Solaris V 2.5 for Netscape Enterprise WUNITEDerver 2.01.
- Built clustering environment using HA 1.3 on Solaris 2.5.1 and Disksuit 4.1 on Sun Ultra 2 for web Server.
- Installation & configuration of HP Open View network monitoring tools.
- Installation of Y2K patches.
- Creating Shell scripts & CRON job automation for backups & FTP.
Feb 99 to Jul 99
Unix System Administrator
- Administering more than 20 sun servers, from sun E-6500, sun ultra E-450 to sun ultra sparc.
- Installation, up gradation, maintenance & trouble shooting of Solaris 2.5 & 2.6 software & hardware.
- Disk management & configuration with Solstice Disk suite & Veritas Volume Manager.
- Firmware up gradation of storage array 210 & flash PROM up gradation.
- Installation of Netscape Enterprise Server, Middleware, Tuxedo & JOLT Server, Security software like ITA, UPM & ESM.
- Installation of Firewall checkpoint & CRON Job automation.
- Checking all the server and software for Y2K compliance through SUNSCAN & upgrade the required patches. Run explorer for trouble-shooting.
- Provide timely solution to users on issues of network NFS, NIS & software problems .
Sep. 96 To Jan. 99
Sr. UNIX Administrator
- Installation, Configuration and testing of hardware.
- Installing, Upgrading and Configuring SUN SOLARIS ver 2.5.1 on SUN E-3000 Server and SVR4 on U6000 server.
- Disk configuration with Solstice Disksuit Metatools .
- Install and Configure Network Software.
- Create and allow users to Access the system.
- Adding Peripheral Devices and terminals to system.
- Monitor the file systems and CPU load for better performance.
- Backup and Restoration of Files and Data. Regularly and after system crashed.
- Detect and correct the file system errors.
- Checking the server and software and update Patch level as and when required.
- Supporting 500 users connected through terminal/PC.
- Configure Unisys 1100 exec. Operating Systems.
- Evaluating and Installing the Network Devices.
- Designing and Cabling plan for different departments in AIR-INDIA for 500 nodes.
- Installing and Monitoring Network OS and systems.
- Configure the Network Products Router, Server, HUB .
- Configuring and installing Protocol FTP, TCP/IP, PC/TCP .
- Monitor the entire network.
- To add and update the routes.
- IP addressing and subnetting.
June 95 To September 96
Sr. UNIX Administrator
- Installation & Configuration of AT&T UNIX on Super-Max Mini Computer Systems, R-4000 for RBI, IAC & RWITC with mirroring.
- Configuring Network.
- Connecting PCs to the system through ilinknet, Protocol & HUB.
- Installing Application and configuring the COBOL.
- Evaluating problems on UNIX Networking.
Networking Project:
- Installing and Configuring UNIXWARE 2.01 on Intel Based Pentium Server for 16 Branches of LIC.
- Internetworking of all the Branches and connected them on main SUN Server through CISCO Routers/HUB & Modem.
- Configuring TCP/IP Protocol and Linknet Protocol.
- Installing and Configuring Windows 95 Networking for AIR INDIA connect all the travel agents to sabre Network through gateway.
- Designing and Planning Cabling work for all the above projects.
- Accessing Network serially as well as on Ethernet UTP cable for redundancy.
June 94 To June 95
ABC Data General Indian Limited
Unix Administrator
Networking Project:
- Installing & Configuring Novell Netware3.2 for Vijaya Bank & Canara Bank around 20 Branches each with approximate 100 nodes.
- Designing & Planning Cabling work.
- Configuring TCP/IP and PC/TCP Protocol.
UNIX Networking Project:
- Installed & Configured the OS and network on SUN Solaris 2.4 for NIA.
- Installing user application on COBOL.
- Creating used & giving them access for the particular period.
- Creating the environment Script for running Application.
- Tuning the kernel Parameter.
- Installation and Configuration of SCO UNIX Ver 3.2 Rel 4.1 for ITC Classic Finance on AST Manhattan Server.
- Installed Network through serial as well as Ethernet Controller for Redius.
January 93 To June 94
Informtech Limited
Customer Support Engineer
- Customer Support.
- Troubleshooting & Installation of Intel Base PCs.
- Installing Novell Netware.
- Installing application software & support.
March 91 To December 92
Micrographic India Limited
Hardware Engineer
- Installing and maintaining of Computers and Office Automation products.
B.E. Electronics from K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai University, Mumbai, India in 1991.
- Diploma in UNIX & C from Digital Equipment Limited, Mumbai, India.
- Database Management Systems – ORACLE 7.1 from GEBBS India Limited, Mumbai, India in 1998.
- Attended training imparted by TATA Infotech on SUN Machines and SUN Solaris OS and mainframe Configuration and Troubleshooting.
- Attended training given by DDE ORG. on Supermax Mini Computer Installation & Configuration and ORACLE Configuration and Installation.
Resume 6
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Jerry Lee
San Francisco, CA
Contribute my skills and experiences to enhance the value of a great organization.
- SUN: Enterprise Server 4500/450/420/220, Netra T1 server, Sun Blade, and ultra sparc. A5200 software raid, A1000 hardware raid, D1000 and Sparc Storage array. System software includes Sun Solstice DiskSuite, jumpstart, JASS, Oracle database installation and support, and Veritas Volume Manager VXVM , Cluster server VCS , and NetBackup.
- Linux: RedHat Linux 7.X on Compaq DL360, DL380, EVO 8000, and IPaq. Dell poweredge 2450 and Dimension series. Kernel and driver build. Apache web server, samba, tripwire, ssh2, and sudo.
- Windows: MS Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Microsoft cluster server, Microsoft exchange 2000 – Installation, upgrade and problem solving. Lotus Notes. Network Appliance filer support.
- Programming – Bourn Shell, Perl, Sed & Awk, C, and Assembly languages.
- Networks – CISCO 6509 switch. Check Point firewall.
Ding Swan Network, Oakwood, CA
2000 – June 30th, 2002
- Corporate Unix Infrastructure project lead– Design, implement, and train junior member to maintain corporate Mail, Domain Name Service DNS , SUN Network File Systems NFS , and Sun s Network Information System NIS environment.
- Define, implement, and enforce Unix systems security policy through standardization of systems hardening scripts and build into OS templates.
- Domain Name Service DNS project lead – Technical contact and admin contact for the company. Architect and implement corporate and production DNS environment to provide dynamic DNS update, load balance and fail over.
- Configure, setup and maintain over 300 Sun servers and RedHat Linux 7.x systems for our 21 sites worldwide network; including SUN 4500 Enterprise servers with two tera bytes A5200 arrays running Oracle 8.1.7 database, using Veritas Volume manager VXVM , Veritas Cluster Server VCS , and Global Cluster Manager GCM .
- Windows 2000 project lead – Migrate from NT domain into Active directory.
- Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000 migration project lead– Migrate Exchange server to Exchange 2000 Enterprise edition running on Compaq G2 servers with Microsoft cluster server software on Windows 2000 advanced server.
- Design and implement backup solution – using ADIC scalar 100 tape library with Veritas NetBackup 4.2 to centralize network backup of 40+ SUN and NT/Windows 2000 servers.
- System deployment project lead – Configure and setup jumpstart server on SUN platform, kickstart server on RedHat Linux platform, and ghost on windows platform to standardize and automate new system deployment.
- Corporate web server, database server, and Remedy CRM server support – support running on apache web server 3.1.4, various corporate finance and development oracle database servers, and Remedy CRM server.
- Our teamwork accomplished 99.99 on network and system uptime and 100 application uptime in our worldwide production systems measured by independent company.
SMARTBASE, Inc., Sommerville, CA
1992 – 2000
- Postmaster – Designed, implemented, and maintained Sybase UNIX Sendmail backbone, mail gateways among Unix mail, Notes mail, and Microsoft Exchange.
- DNS master – Setting up and support Sybase Wide Area Network WAN and Domain Name Service DNS which spans thirty-seven countries and consists of 40+ Sun sparc servers for Sybase internal and external DNS service.
- News master – Design, configure, and support Sybase NNTP news servers. Setup and configured redundant Internet news feeds and news servers on SUN Ultra 2 servers with fully populated A5200 storage disk arrays running Veritas Volume manager to support 10GB per day traffic volume.
- Senior System Administrator – Managed a team of three system administrators to provide a stable development environment for a software development team of 80+ engineers. Major duties were planning, evaluating, purchasing, installing and maintaining software and hardware. Managed two networks consisted Sun Sparc servers, PCs, Macintoshes, HP 9000s, and IBM RS6000. Manage Network protocols of TCP/IP, IP tunneling, Microsoft NETBUI, Novell IPX/SPX, and AppleTalk.
DOWELL, Inc., San Jose, CA
1990 – 1992
Member of Technical Staff – Core Member of the NetWare NFS software development team. NetWare NFS project was to port SUN Microsystems s Network File System NFS into NetWare operating systems to offer file sharing among UNIX, DOS/WINDOWS, and Macintosh environment. My major responsibility was Lock Manager daemon and Status Daemon development and testing to ensure data integrity and high performance among Unix, DOS/Windows, and Macintosh clients accessing files or records.
1989 -1990
Software Engineer– Developed IDEALNET, a Microsoft SMB protocol based network operating systems that provide file sharing, printer sharing and email service through client – server model. I wrote most of the server side code and some client side command line utility programs.
1987- 1989
Responsible for installing and maintaining a 250 node Novell network; setting up databases; developing database applications and training users. Developed seven database applications ranging from document tracking systems to statewide fire station handbook distribution systems.
Master of Science, Computer Science, 1986 – 1989
California State University at Sacramento
Epsilon Pi Epsilon computer Science Honorary Society Member and ACM member
Master of Business Administration MBA , 1985 – 1986
Management Information Systems
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
Bachelor of Arts, 1978 – 1982
Business Administration
National Cheng Kong University, Tainan, Taiwan
Reference upon request
Resume 7
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Conrad Miller
Santa Clara, CA
Seeking a position as a Senior Unix System/Network Administrator.
10 years experience as a Unix System Administrator including 5 years as the primary Administrator in small companies where my job was to create a well organized, robust, reliable and properly documented Unix environment.
Skill Summary:
Sun OS, Sun Solaris through 2.8 , HPUX, AIX, NT, SANs, HACMP, Sun Cluster 3.0, DEC, Linux, NIS, DNS, Samba, Network Appliances, Apache, Iplanet Directory, Administration and Application Servers, LDAP, Veritas Volume Manager, Disk Suite, Legato Networker, Flexlm, Cad tool installs, SSH, Sendmail, Oracle 8i support, NTP, TCP/IP, FTP, DHCP, Jumpstart, Telnet, SCCS, make, printer installs, EMC2s, UPSs, ordering, installing, upgrading patches and troubleshooting , Windows NT 4.0, 2000 and XP Csh, sh, tcsh, ksh and Perl scripting.
Zyctel Networks, Santa Clara, CA
3-2002 to 4-2002
Unix System Administrator, Contract
Helped take down large system and network labs, set them back up and reconfigured for new locations.
Terrace Systems, Inc., Cupertino, CA
4-2000 to 10-2001
Unix System Administrator
Responsible for the entire internal Unix network including network, workstation, device configuration,all Unix purchases and all Unix trouble tickets. Coordinated a team of four people on a project to replace the corporate wide appointment scheduling and calendering system. Devices included disk arrays, servers, workstations and printers. Responsible for application and tool installations, end user configurations and license management. Set up NIS Master and Slave Servers and the automounter. Managed all user, group and mail alias accounts. Compiled and installed Samba and upgraded DNS from 4.0 to 9.1.2. Did system and network tuning with kernel reconfiguration and using tools like sar, iostat, vmstat, netstat, traceroute and perfmeter. Did csh, sh, tcsh, Bourne as well as Perl Scripting. Secured developer discount agreements and support contracts with Sun, HP and IBM. Loaded OS, added disks and swap space, updated cluster patches and configured to a network Sun Solaris, HPUX and AIX workstations. Supported Sun Solaris 2.6 through 2.8, did machine configuration from Ultra 5s and Sun Blades through Enterprise 250s, 420Rs and 450s. Set up RAID partitions with DiskSuite. Worked with Apache web server and IPlanet Directory, Administration and Application servers. Set up secure web servers for the corporate web site at their colocation facility. For HP did HPUX 11.0, instant ignition, net and cdrom installs with /etc/updates, disk and swap adds, SAM, set maxswapchunks, did network configuration, hpvue, swinstall, B2600 and J5600 servers. For IBM did AIX 4.3.3, cdrom installs, SMIT, journaled file system, logical volume manager, smit tcpip, PPs, Window Manager, Info Explorer, 7044-170 and 7044-270 servers. Installed and supported Oracle 8i, MySQL, Rational Purify, NTP, C and Java. Did 24×7 support. For field sites did phone support and set up preconfigured systems. Installed Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP, worked with DOS command line, used Microsoft Office, MS Project, Excel, MS Word, Powerpoint, added connections to DNS and WINS and troubleshot Windows problems.
Digital World, Inc., Santa Clara, CA
10-96 to 4-2000
Unix Systems Manager
Responsible for the entire internal Unix network including network, workstation, device configuration all Unix purchases and all Unix trouble tickets. For Unix machines did hardware troubleshooting to board level, configuration troubleshooting and OS upgrades. Installed and managed a SAN consisting of 2 E10000s and 2 A5200 Disk Arrays using Sun Cluster 3.0. Installed and managed Sun RSM 219s controlled by Veritas Volume Manager, managed EMC2 disk arrays controlled by OAI and managed Network Appliances. Dealt with printer, lpc and print server problems. Set up print servers with HP Jetadmin, print clients and installed network printers. Did tape backups and restores using tar, cpio and file compression. Administered Legato Networker with a 4 drive, 80 tape jukebox backing up as many as 80 workstations. Created NIS networks with YP master and slave servers. Did purchases, installation and licensing of all CAD tools including Cadence, Synopsys and Avanti. Maintained Sun PC-NFS. Installed Windows 95 and Windows for Workgroups, set up printers and ethernet cards on PCs.
Dennis Labs, San Jose, CA
7-96 to 10-96
Unix System Administrator, Contract
Accounts, backups and restores, firewall and DNS problems, printer installs.
Alvaco, Santa Clara, CA
5-96 to 7-96
System Administrator, Contract
NIS+ and Solaris administration, PPP, router Configuration and web page edits. Worked with Cisco IOS, and Solaris Firewall 1.
New Design Systems, Santa Clara, CA
9-92 to 5-96
Unix System Administrator
Was responsible for Unix Desktop Support at one of Cadence Design System s main campuses which had about 400 workstations and was responsible for all trouble tickets the junior System Administrators were unable to resolve there. Did after hours support, phone support and travel to field sites. To save training time wrote a Unix system administration manual that covered the most common problems that new Unix technicians were most likely to encounter at Cadence. Did Sun OS 4.0.3 through 4.1.3, Sun Solaris 2.0 through 2.5.1, HPUX 9.0.1 through 9.0.7 and 10.0 and AIX 3.2.5 end user support. During machine swaps did kernel reconfigurations, data transfers, copied hosts, vfstab, passwd, aliases, dfstab, .rhosts, mail, calendar, crontabs and links between machines. Troubleshot .cshrc and .login configuration problems. Worked with Perl, C shell, Bourne Shell, BASH, TCSH, grep, awk and sed. Did installs of C and C++, X11, Framemaker, Netscape, Answerbook, Wabi and Star Office. For DEC did Ultrix, Alpha, new installs, disk drive adds, troubleshooting, patch installs. For Linux did fdisk, partition magic, boot floppies, LILO, mke2fs, mkswap. For PCs worked with Windows, DOS command line, config.sys, autoexec.bat, C compiler installs, Hummingbird and Exceed. Assisted the Apple group with System 7.1 installs and configuration.
Advanced Systems, Mountain View, CA
12-91 to 9-92
Sun System Administrator, Contract
Ran a Sun Unix porting lab for Independent Software Vendors.
Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA
1-91 to 6-91
R&D Technician,Contract
Set up Apples with OS and applications, took data and wrote reports. Did system 6.0.7 through 7.1 installs, control panels, chooser, mac tcp, meeting maker, Excel, MacWrite, MS Word.
Work on PC s: I have a Windows XP machine using DSL at home.
Unix System Administration Certificate, UC Santa Cruz Extension, Santa Clara, CA 7 of 9 courses complete including TCPIP protocols, Bourne and C Shell programming, System Security, DNS, NIS+, Sendmail, PERL, Cisco IOS and Internet Protocols.
Transition to HPUX for System Administrators, Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, CA, 1995
Solaris 1.x to 2.x System Administration, Solaris 2.X Network Administration, Sun Microsystems, Milpitas, CA,1995
MS Software Engineering, National University, San Jose, CA, 1992 Was lead and coordinated two school projects with 5 students in each project. One was writing an abbreviated SQL database and one was the Masters project writing a small networking program.
BS Computer Science, National University, San Jose, CA, 1990 Masters and Bachelor s projects both written in C. Coursework Included Basic, Assembly, C, Ada, System Software, Database Administration, and SQL.
Resume 8
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Duncan Lipster
To obtain a demanding position in UNIX system administration where I can provide assistance using my knowledge of UNIX and related technologies.
University College, Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ
- BA, Computers Science
Hewlett Packard Paramus, NJ
- Fundamentals of the UNIX System
- HP-UX System Administration
- HP-UX System and Network Administration II
- HP Certified in HP-UX System Administration
Working Knowledge of:
- System administration for UNIX servers and workstations running HP-UX, Solaris and Red Hat Linux.
- System administration for VMS servers.
- UNIX shell and Perl scripting and C programming.
- Managing and configuring EMC disk frames.
- Administrating enterprise level backup systems including EDM and Omniback.
- Network setup and troubleshooting TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, subnets, NIS and NFS for UNIX, Linux and Windows based systems.
- Compiling, installing and configuring software in UNIX and Linux including Apache and Netscape Enterprise web servers and MySQL database server.
- PC X Windows servers including eXceed and XWin32.
- Support for UNIX HP-UX and Solaris , Linux Red Hat distribution , WinNT 4.0, Win9x, NetWare 4.x, MS-DOS and VMS operating systems.
- RAID technology hardware and software .
Terrace Systems, Inc., Rockville, NJ
UNIX System Administrator
- UNIX system administrator for Solaris servers and workstations.
- Creating a Solaris server/workstation combination as a platform for warehouse management system. Includes planning for disk space, security issues, network configuration and layout and user requirements.
- Configuring Solaris servers to handle the following duties: NFS, NIS, PPP, boot/install, Apache web with Jakarta Tomcat Java serlet and Sybase databases.
- Installed and configured IPFilter, a free UNIX firewall package, to protect our Solaris system that was placed on the Internet.
- Researching and applying technology necessary for Terrace Systems software solution, including: high availability clustering, diskless workstation booting and control of lights, scales and scanners over multiport serial devices.
- Setup/support of warehouse tracking system running on UNIX systems.
- Creating and modifying shell scripts to enhance customer support utilities.
- Modifying and recompiling C programs as necessary to correct bugs in software.
Lean Corporation, Deartown, MI
UNIX System administrator
- UNIX system administrator for Solaris and HP-UX servers HP-UX servers were set up in an MC ServiceGuard high availability cluster .
- Performed UNIX shell scripting and some C programming to streamline daily administrative routines and reporting.
- Primary system and backup administrator for EDM backup system EMC s backup solution and the Solaris server that it ran on.
- Configured HP 9000 server for migration of SAP QAS. This involved heavy use of shell scripting, HP s Logical Volume Manager and EMC s disk management software Timefinder, Symmentrix Disk Relocator and Control Center .
- Handled the patching of HP-UX 10.20 and 11.0 workstations and servers.
- Installed OS for Solaris, HP-UX and Red Hat Linux on workstations.
- Handled backups and restores of Oracle and Progress databases using OmniBack with SAP extensions for SAP backups/restores and EDM for all other database systems .
- Researched storage solutions from HP, Network Appliance and EMC and created test plans and shell scripts tailored to the Lear environment. Worked with vendors to supply test boxes and with in-house UNIX and NT teams to organize testing schedules and procedures.
Crest Pharmaceutical Company, Concord, NJ
Technical Specialist
- Handled all system administration duties for all HP-UX, Red Hat Linux and VMS servers on site. Responsibilities ranged from daily tasks such as user account and print queue creation to more advanced ones such as shell scripting, software installation and system/network troubleshooting.
- Managed disk space on HP-UX systems using the Logical Volume Manager.
- Worked on projects to upgrade and maintain HP-UX, Red Hat and VAX VMS servers to assure compliance with Y2K issues and current corporate requirements.
- Installed and maintained site web servers Netscape Enterprise server in HP-UX 10.20 and Apache web server in Red Hat Linux .
- Configured Red Hat Linux system with the Apache server software and MySQL database server. I created the database, website and all of the Perl scripting required to handle database transactions from a web frontend.
- Network support for Netware 4.x and WinNT 4.0 servers.
- Desktop support for approximately 300 PC s running Win95 and WinNT 4.0 on a Novell NetWare 4.x network.
- Supported users on Rumba, Lotus Notes, MS Office, MS Project, Netscape, SAP R/3, Exceed, Reflections and various software packages for laboratory systems.
- Created and maintained change control documentation and procedures for FDA regulated UNIX and VAX VMS servers.
PC Help Services, Peabody, NJ
Helpdesk analyst / network engineer
- Contracted to Entex Information Services to work at Hoffman LaRoche.
- Provided 0, 1st and 2nd level support for approximately 5,000 users on primarily WinNT 4.0 and 3.51 and Win95 systems.
- Junior administrator for UNIX, NT, Novell and VMS servers and IBM mainframes. Handled tasks such as password reset requests, printer and print queue problems and connectivity troubleshooting.
- Windows 95, NT 4.0 and NT 3.51 system setup on a WinNT and NetWare network.
Zemtex Microsystems, Somerset, NJ
Helpdesk Technician
- Diagnosing, repairing and upgrading all aspects of IBM compatible PC s.
- Troubleshooting with customers via email and telephone to resolve a vast array of computer problems and uncommon situations.
- Walked customers through configuration of various software and hardware packages.
- Trained in Windows 95, NT 4.0, MS Office and other software packages. Continuous training was provided through onsite classes from the company s major manufacturers as well as its own internal seminars.
Resume 9
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
John Elston
Bear Creek, CA
An industrious and responsible individual with nearly twenty years experience in UNIX system administration seeks a challenging position as a UNIX system administrator in a cutting edge development or production environment.
Completed college level course work in Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Sociology, History, Anthropology and English, with a GPA of 3.8, working toward a degree in Computer Science.
Technical Summary
Administration of systems running SunOS 3.5 through 4.1.4, Solaris 2.3 through 8, HP/UX 9.05, 10.20, 11.0, IRIX 5.3 through 6.5 and Redhat Linux 5.2 through 7.2. Also have some light experience on AIX, FreeBSD and OpenBSD.
Expert knowledge of LVM, NIS, DNS/BIND, NFS/automount, X11, FlexLM, PPP, INN, Sendmail, Samba, GNU tools, Apache, Netscape Enterprise Server, kernel modifications, system performance tuning, network troubleshooting, installing and configuring network switches, routers and firewalls, ISDN routers, X terminals, network printers, etc. Have performed installations light of Oracle 8 and MySQL databases.
C programming, Make, Perl scripting, Korn shell scripting, HTML, PHP and SQL.
Oracle 8, MySQL 3.X.
Hardware Platforms
- Sun Microsystems: Sun 1, Sun 2, Sun 3, Sun 4, Sparc 1, Sparc 2, Sparc 4, Sparc 5, Sparc 10, Sparc 20, UltraSparc 1, UltraSparc 2, Netra T1, E250, E350, E420, E4500.
- Hewlett Packard: HP9000, A, B, C, D, G, J, K, L, N Class systems.
- Silicon Graphics: Indy, Indigo, Indigo 2, Personal Iris, O2, Origin, Challenge, Power Challenge, Onyx.
- Cisco Systems: Catalyst 2900, 5500 switches, Routers and PIX Firewall.
Professional Experience
Margent Technologies
12/00 to 10/01
System Administrator – Reason for Leaving: Layoff
- Managed the UNIX servers, consisting of C, D, J and K Class systems running HP/UX 10.20 and 11.0, and Sun UltraSparc servers running Solaris 2.6.
- Managed the desktop UNIX systems, consisting of C, D and J Class systems for the application development engineers.
- Managed the Sendmail, NFS, NIS, SAMBA, Apache and Netscape Enterprise web servers.
- Installed and configured Oracle 8 Database for a development venture between Oracle and Agilent engineers.
5/00 to 12/00
System Administrator – Reason for leaving: Layoff
- Installed, configured and maintained the co-location servers, consisting of Sun E4500, E420 and Netra T1 systems.
- Installed, configured and maintained the co-location network components, including Cisco Catalyst Switches, 3600 series Routers and PIX firewalls.
- Installed, configured and maintained the unix development servers, including Sendmail, NFS/Automount, CVS, NIS, SAMBA and DNS.
- Implemented a unix development environment with GNU and other popular tools including gcc, g++, gdb, ddd, make, flex, bison, Perl 5, etc.
- Installed and configured Oracle 8 and MySQL databases for development and production use.
Ausfox Systems
2/00 to 5/00
System Administrator – Reason for leaving: Company Downsize
- Maintained the engineering lab UNIX servers, consisting of Sun Sparc 20, UltraSparc 1, UltraSparc 2, E250 and E450 systems running Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7.
- Maintained the engineering lab desktop UNIX systems, consisting of Sun Sparc 2, 5, 10, 20, UltraSparc 1 and UltraSparc 2 systems.
- Designed and implemented a Solaris JumpStart server with a custom web interface, written in HTML, for the engineering lab.
- Maintained the engineering lab network backbone consisting of Cisco Catalyst 5500 and 7200 Switches with Router modules.
- Played key role in the process of moving the engineering lab, consisting of nearly 600 systems and the engineering network backbone, to a new building in a single weekend.
Hewlett Packard
12/97 to 12/99
System Administrator – Reason for leaving: Career Advancement
- Managed network of nearly 300 HP A, B, C, D, G, J, K and N Class systems running HPUX 10.20 and 11.0. Many of these systems were Multi-Way High Availability servers.
- Designed and implemented a new lab-wide application server. Downloaded, configured, built and installed nearly 300 GNU and other FSF applications for 10.20 and 11.0 platforms. Designed and implemented NIS Automount Map configuration to automatically mount the correct set of applications based on native OS. The new application server brought all applications into Y2K compliance and eliminated the need for multiple NFS mounts and a confusing set of wrapper scripts and symbolic links.
- Redesigned the UNIX sendmail configuration for the lab. This effort resulted in dramatically improved email performance and the elimination of mail spool file locking problems.
- Developed a plan to move the compiler design lab to using NIS and automount maps to reduce NFS related system hangs and improve overall network and system performance lab-wide. A side benefit of implementing NIS allowed the lab to conform to corporate security requirements.
- Investigated and solved long-standing high visibility problem with the deployment of the Envizex and Envizex II X terminals. Crucial lab budgetary considerations hinged on this effort.
Lockheed Martin
6/97 to 12/97
System Administrator – Reason for leaving: Budget Cuts
- Maintained the SGI systems running Irix 5.3 and 6.X including Personal Iris, Indy, Indigo, Indigo 2, O2, and Multi-Way Origin and Challenge systems.
- Maintained the Sun systems running SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.4, 2.5.1 and 2.6 including Sparc 5, 10, 20 and UltraSparc systems.
- Developed and implemented a solution to the problems with the Amanda system backup software.
- Transferred NIS master and DNS functions from aging Sun 3 to a Sun Sparc running Solaris 2.6 without service interruption to the lab.
- Transferred another NIS master server from an aging DEC workstation to an SGI running Irix 5.3, without service interruption.
- Solved long-standing problems with the system backups.
Hewlett Packard
8/96 to 6/97
HP/UX Test Engineer – Reason for leaving: Skills Mismatch
- HP/UX pre-release system testing using test routines to test the functionality of the major subsystems of HP/UX.
- Performed OS installations and configuration for test ring setups.
- Created test scenarios for testing NIS, NFS, DNS and other functionality of the OS.
- Performed various tests on the major subsystems to find Y2K problems.
4/96 to 8/96
System Administrator – Reason for leaving: Layoff
- Installation, configuration and upgrade of SGI systems running Irix 5.3 and 6.X including Indy, Indigo and Indigo 2.
- Installation, configuration and upgrade of Sun systems running SunOS 4.1.X and Solaris 2.4.
- Administration of PC systems running FreeBSD.
- Planned and implemented the hardware and software upgrade of the company Auspex NFS Server which proved to be a significant undertaking.
9/95 to 4/96
System Administrator – Reason for leaving: Management Issues
- Managed the Sun systems running SunOS 4.1.x and Solaris 2.4 including Sparc 4, 5, 10, 20 and UltraSparc systems.
- Managed the corporate Netscape Web Server and RAID system.
- Managed the engineering lab UNIX porting systems, consisting of Solaris, SINIX, DGUX, Convergent, AT&T, HP/UX, IRIX, AIX and DEC systems.
- Managed the corporate Network Appliance NFS filers.
- Installed and configured Xinet software to allow MAC users to mount UNIX volumes eliminating dependence on the Cayman Systems Gator boxes.
- Eliminated long-standing problems with the NIS master server, Sendmail system and HP network printers.
ABC, Inc., TFH Corporation
10/83 to 9/95
System Administrator – Reason for leaving: Career Advancement
- Maintained network of over 50 Sun and SGI systems running SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.x and Irix 4.X to 5.X respectively.
- Maintained several UNIX variants including Pyramid, Ridge, Convex and Dec VAX systems.
- Implemented network wide backup strategy for all networked systems using Amanda.
- Installed and configured Sybase databases.
- Converted “sneakernet” to ethernet by running the first thick coax for networking at ABC.
References available upon request.
Resume 10
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Morris L. Tarrot
Sacramento, CA
Career Objective:
Sun/Unix Systems Administrator, Systems Architect
Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Science from the State University of New York at Brockport.
Contract/Job Experience:
Denver Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA
Sept 1997 – July 1998, Dec 2000 – present
- Completely reconfigured Fairchild Semiconductor memory group including NIS, SMTP sendmail, NFS automounter, Sun Online Disk Suite, backups, installed compilers, modeling software such as Cadence/Synopsys/Verilog, licenses lmgrd/flexlm , patches, ISDN installations.
- Installed Apache 3.22 and Samba applications, and integrated into usage.
- Installed Network Applicance Servers.
- Installation of application software and license servers for Mentor Graphics, Frame, Synopsys, Verilog, Cadence, and other software.
- Server upgrades.
- Installed compilers, licenses, lmgrd, patches, and mail
Fervect Telecommunications, San Miguel, CA
July 1998 – December 2000
- Completely reconfigured Aspect Telecommunications worldwide Unix servers. This included building 70+ servers installed from their many boxes, built a new environment that was more reliable, more robust, and more secure. Components that were reconfigured included but not limited to NIS servers and slaves, DNS servers and slaves, SMTP mail servers and mail relay servers, compute servers, file servers, and user workstations.
- Installed several Sybase and Oracle servers, including standardizing the SQL server configuration using Solaris 2.x, DiskSuite, and Veritas. This included mirroring system drives, and using HA High Availability techniques including Veritas Volume Manager and Veritas Cluster Server software on dual Enterprise 450 s, E4500 s, 220R, 420R, and E3500 s.
- Configured several eCommerce servers at Aspect Telecommunications using Netscape Web server software, including cluster servers using Cisco Local Directors.
- Y2K issues, upgrades, patches, backups.
- Configured NIS and DNS master and slave servers in Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, and Solaris 8.
- Installed several Sparc storage arrays, configured for concatenation, striping, mirroring, and hot spares using Sun Online DiskSuite, Veritas Volume manager, and Veritas cluster server; Sun Photon 5000/5100/5200 fiber series, E3000/E450/E250 SCSI series.
- Standardized environments, setup compute and file servers, mail, web, and binary servers under Solaris 2.x
- Installed several automated backup servers using shell scripts and backup software, included balancing of backup servers, catastrophy recovery, and script enhancement.
- Upgraded/moved NIS and DNS master and slave servers.
Sonora Semiconductor, Sacramrento, CA
March 1998 – July 1998
- Completely reconfigured Luxsonor Semiconductor worldwide Unix servers. This included building their corporate SMTP mail server Solaris 2.6 and sendmail 8.8.8 upgraded in December 2000 to Solaris 8 with secure sendmail 8.9.3 , Ultra 2 file server with Solaris 2.7 and Sun Online Disksuite on SCSI disk packs, 4 Ultra 2 compute servers, NIS, pop mail for clients, NFS automounter, backups, patches, VINA router/firewall.
TransAmerican Semiconductor, Santa Cruz, CA
March 1997 – March 1998 and February 1995 to February 1996
- Server upgrades and daily user support.
- Support of application software and license servers for Mentor Graphics, Frame, Synopsys, Verilog, Cadence, and other software
- Performed workstation and server installations and upgrades, standardized workstation configuration, automounter, sendmail, and hardware upgrades.
Fredcad Corporation, Fremont, CA
March 1996 March 1997 and July 1994 October 1994
- Initiated automatic system level backup scripts and usage of Amanda for backup of user data.
- Shell scripts to probe network and produce summary reports.
- Built unix kernals for supporting specific hardware and software.
- Server upgrades and daily user support.
MoonLight Systems, San Jose, CA
March 1994 – July 1994
- Solaris 2.x transition of the Sun MicroSystems Milpitas CA corporate campus, working with a team of Solaris systems administrators to transition nearly 3000 clients and 800 servers from SunOS 4.x to Solaris 2.x. Each subnet consisted of an install server for booting and installing Solaris on each client, a compute server for Xhosting SunOS 4.x applications, a software binary server, and a client server. Responsibilities also included configuration of several Solaris installation/boot servers, and user support. Extensive user contact.
- Installed boot servers for multiple sun architecture for booting servers and clients over the network for maintenance and upgrade purposes.
- Configured a classroom of 16 workstations for multiple operating systems, SunOS 4.1.x and Solaris 2.x
Verox Corporation, Fairfax, NY
1990 to 1994
- Sun Unix Systems Administration for approximately 20 workstations, file server, mail, backups, NIS
- Product Software Engineer, Docutech Division.
- Product Software Engineer, field technical services USCO
Software Engineering Experience, major accomplishments:
- Solely ported 90,000 line FORTRAN IV GENESIS PROJECT software to FORTRAN 77 and “C” under PC/DOS from an IBM VM/CMS operating system.
- Ported and converted the graphics portions of a 35,000 line FORTRAN IV Qualitynet software from HP-1000 RTE to TurboSPC product under PC/DOS using Borland “C”.
- Developed vector to raster software for Qualitynet software using FORTRAN IV. Ported such software to Borland “C” under PC/DOS for TurboSPC package. Wrote “C” and FORTRAN versions of similar software for GENESIS PROJECT. The final versions were table driven and extendable, which included bitmap font impressions.
- Developed an algorithm for displaying several thousand vectors per second on an Intel 80286-12 that was not dependent upon an 80287 math coprocessor using interactive display lists. This included a built in transformation that allowed for dynamic pan and zoom controlled by a mouse or keyboard.
- Designed, programmed, and marketed an astronomical application environment for IBM PCs. This included performing marketing surveys, designing the graphics astronomical application, programming, testing, writing a Reference Manual and a Tutorial Manual, marketing, distributing, and support of such product, which consisted of 90,000 lines of code.
- Wrote a POSTSCRIPT interface for the TurboSPC application package in “C”/DOS. Development/enhancement of 35,000 lines of “C” code for TurboSPC.
- Developed a graphic compression method that can condense vector graphics as much as 10 times, savings of 50 times possible when compared to compressed bitmaps such as TIF or GIF.
- Extensive development of transformation matrices for scaling world coordinate systems in 2-D and 3-D workspaces, including rotation, scaling, and displacement.
- Designed and wrote software used for the generation of star maps, CAD, layout of optical assemblies, and processing of images. This required writing screen management facilities including mouse and windowing software for an IBM80x86 environment, using MS FORTRAN 77 and “C”. This included writing a GUI interface that supported over 40 graphic modes, including VGA and SVGA and multiple hardware vendor graphic cards.
- Wrote a graphics editor for manipulation of stored metafile graphics in a 2-D or 3-D workspace.
- Programmed an animation system using single-cell animation of stored metafile frames of graphics.
- Written several device drivers for vector, raster, incremental plotters, and laser printers.
- Wrote parsing emulators for the conversion of HPGL protocol into metafile format. This software worked by tokenating the HPGL plotter commands, built command and operand stacks, and interpreted the command and operand stacks in order to convert the plotter code into metafile format.
- Designed and wrote software product user and reference manuals.
Summary of Skills:
- Hardware: Sun Enterprise 150/250/450/220R/420R/1000/3000/3500/4500 servers, Sun Ultrasparc 1/2/5/10/60, Sun Sparc 1/1+/2/4/5/10/20, Sun 4, Sun 3, Sun Storage Arrays, Sun Photon Arrays, Sun Fiber, FDDI, Fast Ethernet
- Graphical Devices: PostScript, QMS/QUIC, HPGL, several vector and raster display devices
- Operating Systems: UNIX, Sun OS 4.1.x, Solaris 1.x and 2.x, HP-UX, MS/DOS, MVS/JES2&3/TSO, VM/CMS, Linux
- GUIs: CDE, OpenWindows, Solaris, XWindows, MS Windows 3.x/95/98/NT
- Languages: FORTRAN IV and 77, Microsoft “C”, Borland Turbo “C”, Sun/Unix “C”, Microsoft ACCESS, BASIC, dBASE IV, FORTH, Perl, COBOL
- Database: Microsoft ACCESS, Sybase, Oracle, BTRIEVE, dBASE IV, SAS, VSAM
- Networking: TC/PIP, Novell IPX , XNS
- Packages: SAS, SAS/GRAPH, RS/1 RPL
- Desktop Publishing: Ventura, Interleaf, PageMaker, Viewpoint, GlobalView
- CAD Software: TurboCad, TurboCad 3D
- Editors/Aids: VI, SUN Textedit, XEDIT, MVS/SPF, SPF/PC, PE, EDLIN
- Utilities: Several MS/DOS, MS/Windows, IBM OS/MVS, VM/CMS, and UNIX utilities including UFSDUMP, UFSRESTORE, TAR, and COMPRESS.
- Methodologies/Design: YOURDON, PRIDE, TeamWork
References: Available upon request
Resume 11
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Fred Durham
Chicago, IL
Over 20 years of progressive technical support experience, 17 years with UNIX, with construction, manufacturing, telecommunications, publishing, public services, financial and consulting institutions.
Logical, practical, analytical and good level of interest in technical work and people. Independent-minded, persistent, determined, practical around solving logistical or technical problems.
UNIX systems technical support on HP-UX, AIX, SunOS/Solaris and also on Ultrix, Irix, Dynix/ptx, and SCO UNIX platforms focusing on UNIX and IT security, performance management and tuning, high availability computing, disaster recovery and resource capacity planning. Very good in UNIX shell programming and Distributed Computing Environment DCE , and very familiar with SQL Server, Windows NT/XP, Tcl, C and Perl programming. Also good in JDEdwards OneWorld ERP software, SANs, VERITAS Volume Manager, and Legato NetWorker.
JDEdwards OneWorld System Configurator.
Sun Certified System Administrator – SCSA.
HP IT Professional – HP-UX System Administration.
IBM Certified Specialist – AIX V4.3 System Administration.
Cisco Certified Network Associate – CCNA.
Certified Information Systems Security Professional – CISSP.
- AIX System Administration, DCE Installation and Administration IBM .
- HP-UX for Programmers, HP-UX System Administration, HP-UX Network Administration, Theory of Operations for PA-RISC HP 9000 Systems, HP-UX System Security, HP-UX Performance and Tuning, Korn Shell Programming, MC Service Guard High Availability Software, Virtual Vault Administration HP .
- Perl Programming Sun .
- Dynix System Administration Sequent .
- Banyan VINES System Administration Lanpar .
- Definity AUDIX Voice Mail System Administration, Definity G3 PBX System Administration, Definity G3 World Class Routing AT&T .
- MS Word, Harvard Graphics, WordPerfect, Lotus 123, Project Management Nortel .
FENBARK, Chicago, IL
01/2002 – present
Information Systems Consultant, Independent
Short term contracts – small Windows NT/XP and Linux systems integration and support Acentrum, Chicago , HP-UX systems security audit Enairpro, Toronto, Canada , AIX and OS/2 application profiling and performance analysis Discover Credit Card, Salt Lake City .
EPRINT, Chicago, IL
02/1999 – 10/2001
Technology Solutions Consultant, Sprint E Solutions
Providing technical expertise to support consultations to clients regarding the applicability and feasibility of UNIX technology. Determining how UNIX-based technology will be utilized and participating in project planning efforts by identifying tasks and dependencies. Representing the companies with consultants, vendors and service providers.
- Installing, configuring, and controlling the deployment of the JDEdwards OneWorld software throughout customer configurations. Testing various configurations. Creating data sources and environments, implementing data replications and distributed processing. Setting up user and group profiles and security for technical applications.
- Participating in development and implementation of UNIX-based solutions and delivering quality systems design.
- Evaluating and selecting UNIX technology. Working with technical architects and senior technical management in the selection and development of technology which supports the goals of the clients.
- Overseeing installation, configuration and testing of Sun servers and Cisco routers for a company Internet center. Reviewing operations procedures and other documentation and making suggestions for changes and updates. Working with global UNIX technical services group as the second level system specialist providing the support to global applications users, Help Desk and system administrators using HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Irix SGI servers and workstations.
BANK OF ALBERTA, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
07/1997 – 02/1999
Security Technical Specialist, Systems Security and Controls
Supporting the achievement of the Bank information security objectives of integrity, privacy, availability and continuity of the Public Key Infrastructure configuration for Scotia OnLine PC banking on HP-UX and AIX platforms for over 100,000 home users. Researching, evaluating and pursuing emerging information security technologies which can be exploited as solutions to support business innovation and performing reliable risk and performance evaluations of security architectures to identify exposures and changing/emerging threats.
- Responsible for HP-UX and AIX system management, providing a high quality technical support to the user community by constantly understanding clients needs to meet their expectations.
- Upgrading HP-UX and AIX OS software for Year 2000 compliance. Verifying that HP-UX and AIX systems are set up and running correctly for Entrust Public Key Infrastructure PKI applications.
- Facilitating the applications as required for higher performance and reliability. Reviewed and documented the setup of HP-UX high availability cluster software for PKI applications, analyzed the setup and recommended changes to significantly improve high availability of the applications.
- Evaluating and implementing automated utilities on HP-UX and AIX servers to verify that the Bank s security standards are in place and analyzing security standards relevance when new programs are introduced or security warnings arise.
- Responsible for performance and resource management, providing the reports of resource usage and data growth on HP-UX and AIX servers to the management. Utilizing the system monitoring and reporting program for alarm conditions on CPU, memory, disk and networking.
- Assisting in forecasting and capacity planning by testing the performance of HP-UX servers to determine the transaction rate and response time for PKI transactions to predict when upgrades are required.
10/1995 – 06/1997
Senior Technical Analyst, Computing and Telecommunications
Responsible for activities surrounding computer hardware and related environmental software and the support of Computer Operations and Applications Development groups as it relates to the AIX operating environment and distributed processing.
- Providing AIX system support. Assisting Help Desk with resolving complaints of system hardware failure, investigating and solving system problems reported by users. Assisting all TPS personnel with computer related problems. Communicating system problems to all effected users and documenting them for reference purposes.
- Writing and implementing security standards and procedures for use of all information systems. Setting objectives and planning for development of additional security for all information systems. Reviewing existing standards and procedures and evaluating alternatives based on these objectives.
- Providing ongoing assistance in the deployment of the security control system in the field. Identifying the problems in the design of the future systems and applications that affect information security, informing management of these problems and recommending the solutions.
- Developing technical systems in the area of security and client/server systems. Participating in the development and implementation of system applications. Providing the technical expertise in developing of TP technical infrastructure.
- Scrutinizing system logs to identify security violations. Preparing reports, making recommendations and disseminating any pertinent information as required. Conducting periodic data processing hardware and software security evaluations of all units across the TPS to assess compliance with procedures and polices.
SIMPSON NEWSPAPERS, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
09/1993 – 09/1995
Senior System Analyst, Information Technology Department
Managing the diverse corporate computing environment for publishing business and financial applications on HP-UX platform. Providing technical and administrative support for data and telecommunication systems. Providing expert advice, support and recommendations based on experience and research to the company with respect to the systems security, resource and performance management.
ARTEL NETWORKS, Brampton, Ontario, Canada
05/1989 – 09/1993
Senior System Analyst, Toronto Computing Facility
Providing UNIX system management for HP-UX, SunOS/Solaris and Ultrix platforms, ensuring supportable processes and configurations. Providing the support for UNIX system security, resource capacity planning as well as developing, testing and implementing system level contingency and disaster recovery plans.
LANNET TECHNOLOGIES, Marktown, Ontario, Canada
07/1985 – 05/1989
UNIX System Administrator, R&D Department
Responsible for HP-UX and Ultrix servers and workstations. Providing the technical and sales support for DEC compatible terminals manufactured by the company.
Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia 1971 – 1976
Master s Degree in Electrical Engineering – major Technical Cybernetics, specialization in Automation Engineering.
Resume 12
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Ravish Gradham
Over 12 years of experience in the field of Information Technology. Extensive experience supporting High Availability and Market Data Systems running on HP-UX 11.X, 10.x, 9.x, Solaris 2.x., HP-Openview, DNS, NIS, NFS, Mail servers, system security tools, firewalls and DCE. Expert in systems administration of UNIX systems, PC s, Networks and maintenance of security of systems and networks.
Excellent experience on HP Unix Servers, SUN SPARC servers, Windows NT, MPE/iX 4.x/5.x, CISCO 2500/4500 Series Routers, OpenView, EMC Symmetrix, Cellera, SAN, Advanced Stack Assistant, Shell and Perl Scripts, Web servers, Web Proxy servers. Extensive experience in handling large user environments, production environments and planning and execution of Backup and Disaster recovery procedures
BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering, S J College of Engineering, India September 1990
Computer Skills
- Computer Systems: HP-9000 Series 700 s, Series 800 s, HP-3000 series 800 s, SUN SPARC and Ultra series, SGI Iris, Indigo, Indy
- Operating Systems: HP-UX Ver 11.x/10.x/9.x, Sun Solaris Ver. 2.x, MPE Ver. 4/5, iRIX – VI, Windows NT.
- SAN: EMC and Netapps
- Routers: CISCO series 2500 and 4500
- Scripts: Shell and Perl Scripts
- Tools: DCE, HP-Advanced Stack Assistant, HP-OpenView HP-Omniback, Seagate Nerve Center, CiscoWorks, MEDUSA, SATAN, Glance, PerfView. MC Service Guard, Ignite-UX, HP Mirror/UX, Jetadmin, JetDirect, Sar
- Applications: DNS, NIS, NFS, Mail Servers, TCP/IP, Netscape Proxy Servers
Work Experience
New Jersey Stock Exchange, Concord, NJ
June 99 till date
Designation Senior Systems Administrator
Technical Environment:
HP Servers [A, C, D, G, H, I, L and K-Series]. HP-UX 10.X / 11.0/11.i Ignite-UX, HP Mirror/UX, and DCE EMC Symmetrix and Cellera
Extensive experience supporting High Availability and Market Data Systems running on HP-UX 11.X, 10.x, 9.x, Solaris 2.x., HP-Openview, DNS, NIS, NFS and DCE.
Overall Responsibilities:
- Working in a Unix Team to support 220 HP Servers
- Install and administer O/S and Application packages.
- Tune the O/S for optimum performance using performance monitoring tools such as Glance and Perfview
- Development of scripts for automation of systems administration functions
- Debugging system defects and crash dump analysis.
- Develop scripts to automate routine administration tasks.
- Planning and Execution of System and Network Upgrades.
- Maintain DNS, NIS and Mail Servers.
- Maintain Software and Patch Depots.
- Network traffic analysis and recommendation for performance improvement
- Support in Contingency effort
Few Projects:
Support in disaster and business continuity effort
Actively involved in contingency efforts and was responsible for maintenance of configuration files for the Linux systems, which emulated X-Servers, and development of a scheme and scripts to help all the devices to be re-configured in case of disaster and design and maintenance of the server used for indirect mapping of the hosts to different login servers.
Implementation of EMS monitoring system.
EMS monitoring is used for detection of hardware and kernel problems with the system in advance, which enables necessary action to be taken before the system actually fails. The product was evaluated and standard configuration suitable for the site was drafted and the monitoring system was implemented on all the servers running HP-UX 11.x.
Conversion of the Data center network to 100baseT.
The Data Center at NYSE was a combination of 10baseT and 100BaseT network, which resulted in lowered performance of the entire network. Initiated a project to migrate all the servers to 100baseT network, which involved, change in the network equipment, ordering required hardware like the compatible 100baseT network cards from the vendors and getting suitable drivers and patches for the system.
Implementation of the Time Synchronization System
The data center was dependent on one timeserver and did not have a backup server or a plan if the primary timeserver failed. Drafted a scheme and implemented the time synchronization system which had multiple servers over different O/S and network subnets, so that, in event of failure of any of the timeservers, the systems are not affected.
ABC-Worldcom, St. Louis, MO
Aug 98 – June 99
Designation Senior Systems Administrator
Technical Environment:
Sun Servers [SPARC 1000, SPARC Ultra s and Enterprise Class systems. Sun Solaris 2.4 and 2.5HP-OpenView, Seagate NerveCenter, Ciscoworks, and Micromuse NetCool
Administration and maintenance of SUN servers installed at MCI-Worldcom for monitoring of the Networking devices for production environment of corporate customers like Quotron, J P Morgan, NCO Financials, Goldman Sachs, etc, which needed an uptime of 24 x 7 and provided 24 x 7 support for all the production servers.
Overall Responsibilities:
- Maintain application packages like OpenView, NerveCenter and CiscoWorks
- Develop scripts for administration and automation of routine tasks.
- Upgrade the operating system and applications as and when necessary
- Plan, execute and test backup and disaster recovery procedures.
- Security Administration
- Fine tune systems and applications.
- Network traffic analysis and recommendation for performance improvement
- Performed systems administration support and troubleshooting duties in a 24×7 production environment
- Develop and maintain security policies and procedures.
Few Projects:
Development of backup and disaster recovery plans for the system
The system did not have a fail proof backup and disaster recovery plan. I was responsible for drafting and implementing the backup plan and testing out the disaster recovery procedure.
Relocation of facility from Chicago, IL to St. Louis, MO.
One of the major tasks, which were undertaken by us, was to move the facility from Chicago to St. Louis. The systems had to be moved without any down time, as they were being used round the clock. Hence, the systems similar to the existent, had to be rented out, cloned as the existing system, switched without downtime and transported to the destination. Also needed to check the network and re-install the systems at the destination. The entire process was carried out with a downtime of just 2 hours.
Conversion of the systems to Millennium compliant systems.
The systems were converted to millennium compliant systems by upgrading the O/S, installing necessary patches, getting the millennium compliant version of the application software s and migrating the existing data to the new version and testing for compliancy.
Somebank APTS Asia Pacific Technology Services , Singapore
Oct 97 – July 98
Designation Senior Systems Administrator
Technical Environment:
HP Servers I-Series, K-Series and T-Series , Operating on HP-UX 9.04, 10.10 and 10.20. Network using UTP and Thick Ethernet. EMC Symmetrix, MC Service Guard, HP Mirror/UX
Administration and maintenance of the HP Servers installed at Somebank APTS data center supporting 14 Countries in Asia-Pacific region.
- Extensive experience supporting High Availability and Market Data Systems
- Administer and maintain high end HP Servers installed at Citibank APTS data center, which supports 14 countries in Asia-Pacific region.
- Develop scripts for routine administration activities.
- Install and configure tools like PRM Process Resource Manager .
- Development of scripts for automation of systems administration functions
- Plan, test, execute and document the disaster recovery procedure and contingency drill.
- Setup and administer the file system security for various applications on R&D and Live systems.
- Network traffic analysis and recommendation for performance improvement
- Tune the O/S for optimum performance using performance monitoring tools such as Glance and Perfview
- Migrate applications form R&D systems to production Live systems.
- Administer network, in terms of monitoring the traffic and recommendation for improving the performance.
- Performed systems administration support and troubleshooting duties in a 24×7 production environment
Few Projects:
Development of fault tolerant data center
The project was taken up to build a fault tolerant data center in case of failure of the systems, power or network. This project included, identifying the systems to act as backup servers, implementation of MC service guard for the system fail over, distributing the systems across different power bus and re-design of the network fault tolerant operation and distributing the systems appropriately on the network.
Network activity analysis and re-design for improved throughput.
The network load was not equally distributed over the LAN. The project was taken up to check out the network traffic at different times of day and re-distribute the systems to distribute the load on the network evenly.
Implementation of Process Resource Manager [PRM]
The client had the need for allocating system resources when the system was fully utilized. The project was taken up to make sure that when the resources are fully utilized, the resources are allocated in the pre-determined percentages. The project included analysis of the application, determining the resources by the application, and finalizing the percentage of the resources needed by the application and allocating the same.
India Software Operations, Bangalore, India.
May 95 – Oct 97
Senior Systems Administrator
Technical Environment:
HP-9000 Servers: I-Series, G-Series, K-Series, Work-Stations: 712, 715 , HP-UX Version 9.x and 10.x, HP-3000
Servers: 9×7, 9×9 , MPE/iX Ver. 4.x and 5.x, CISCO 2500 and 4500 Series Routers. OpenView, Advanced Stack Assistant, MEDUSA, Satan, Shell and Perl Scripts, Netscape Proxy Server, HP Omniback DCE
India Software Operations is primarily involved in development and maintenance of Operating systems for HP systems [HP-UX and MPE/iX] and development of software products for customers of HP.
Overall Responsibilities:
- Administer and maintain 100 HP servers and 400 workstations
- Install and administer systems in terms of operating system and tools.
- Development of scripts for automation of systems administration functions
- Fine-tune the kernel of optimization of performance and debug system defects and requirements.
- Install patches and upgrading of O/S as and when required.
- Maintain local O/S applications and patch depots.
- Administration of Security Regulations for Systems, Networks and firewalls
- Network traffic analysis and recommendation for performance improvement
- Install, configure and administer network-monitoring tools like OpenView, Advanced Stack Assistant.
- Form and maintain policies for Hewlett-Packard, India Software Operations in the areas of UNIX Security, PC Usage, NT Security, WEB Security and Security of MPE Systems.
- Form backup strategies, disaster recovery plan and password policies for the site.
- Administer security regulations defined by Hewlett-Packard for systems and network.
- Administer and maintain of the router configuration for the site.
- Install and maintain WEB server and WEB proxy server for HP-ISO, Bangalore.
- Install and administer tools like Softbench, Synervision, ATM, Framemaker etc.
Few Projects:
Development and implementation of Security policies for the site
The Security policies had to be implemented based on the Corporate HP guidelines, which was not in place at that time. The project involved interaction with different development groups on their developmental requirements, working within the corporate guidelines and to develop a security policy for the site, note down the exceptions, and get the approval from the management for the exceptions. Maintenance of firewalls and proxy servers.
Development and implementation of Backup and Disaster policies for the site
The Backup and disaster recovery plan for the site was not in place at that time. Individual development groups were performing the backups. The projects involved consolidation of the backup on a single system and also build a disaster recovery plan for the site, by classifying the systems under different classes based on the criticality to business continuity.
Development and implementation of a monitoring system for all the servers and Network equipments
The site did not have a monitoring system for the systems and network equipments. A comprehensive systems and network monitoring system had to be developed. Designed and developed a system using OpenView and Advance Stack Assistant software s for system and network equipment monitoring respectively.
Development and implementation of scheme for storage of the software s and development of scripts for standardizing the installation procedure.
Planned and executed the project of setting up depots of all the available software on a single server and put up scripts which will install the needed software s on the server. This also included installation of all the necessary tools and software s required by the developers in a single place and tuning of the kernel to standardize the build procedure of new boxes.
Development of scripts to automate the daily monitoring tasks.
Scripts were developed for the site to check out the system for security vulnerabilities and send across the message in form of mails, interpret the messages from the mails showing the security loop holes and take necessary action to set right the same, where the developers are not effected.
Division of the network based on the usage class of the system for enhanced security
The site had development and application critical servers on the same subnet. Due to this the tighter security measures, which were needed on the secure subnet could not be implemented, which would hamper the daily work of the developers. Hence the project was taken up to isolate the developmental servers from site critical servers and to allow all the services, which do not constitute security breach out of the developmental network and management if proxy servers and firewalls.
AMC Computers Ltd., Bangalore, India
Sep 91 – May 95
Senior Customer Engineer.
AMC Computers was the company, which manufactured and supported Banking and CAD applications.
Technical Environment:
SGI Servers IRIS, Indigo, Indy Workstations , UNIX Servers, IBM Compatible PC s, UNIX, IRIX, Windows, PCAD, Design Center, 10base2, Thick LAN and 10baseT Networking.
Overall Responsibilities:
- Install and maintain computer systems marketed by AMC Computers Ltd.,
- On-Site administration of the systems marketed by AMC Computers.
- Networking of the systems in Heterogeneous environment
- Pre-Sales technical support to marketing personnel and technical feasibility analysis of special projects
- Realization and renewal of annual maintenance contracts
- Support to electronic CAD packages like PCAD, DESIGN CENTER in terms of demonstration and benchmarking
- Planning and maintenance of spares required for the region.
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
Dec 90 – Aug 91
Senior Research Assistant.
Technical Environment:
IBM PC, Programming Language: C and 8085 Assembly
Design and develop control system for Solar Photovoltaic Panels.
Description of the project:
The project involved tracking the movement of the Sun, during various durations of day and different months through mathematical models and design a control system so that the solar photovoltaic panel will be facing the sun, for maximum efficiency output.
Resume 13
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Ron Tisher
Placid Beach, NJ
Over 18 years of varied yet in-depth experience in the IT industry, from early pc s and LAN environments to the larger high-powered IBM RS6000 AIX and UNIX based systems. I have something very unique to offer to today s complex IT departments in that I have a strong history in the industry with a high level of experience in the IBM RS6000/AIX arena as well as other UNIX platforms. I would like to have the opportunity to showcase the knowledge and experience I possess by taking responsibility for the administration of a LAN/WAN/UNIX system in a progressive IT environment.
Advanced Logical Technologies, Inc.
3/2000 Present
Senior AIX System Administration Consultant assigned to Visiting Nurse Services of NY.
Responsible for all areas of system Administration of 11 AIX systems including a 2 node SP2 system. Primary request was to assist in migration of 4.5gb EMC Symmetrix disks to 9gb Symmetrix disks on all systems and applications, rebuilding and standardizing layout and configuration on all AIX systems. Additional tasks included, assistance in moving system backup from IBM Sysback to EMC s EDM backup utility, writing scripts to automate shutdown and startup of Oracle and PeopleSoft in preparation for nightly backup processing, writing scripts to gather performance data for capacity planning in preparation for new IBM P690 regatta system. Was also asked to cleanup existing systems, tune for performance as time permitted, train other admin. on AIX/RS6000 systems, prepare disaster recovery materials for AIX systems, install new system, bring all systems up to date with regard to OS patches, as well as general system monitoring for errors, disk space, etc and assistance to DBA s and others as requested.
Advanced Logical Technologies Inc.
3/2000 Present
Senior Systems Administration Consultant.
SUN Unix System Admin. assigned to EDS outsource project at PSEG in Newberry, NJ. Responsible for administration of approximately 52 SUN Solaris systems as part of SAP Basis team. Worked as system admin. with SAP Basis team to migrate SAP applications from older SUN 5000 s to newer model 5500 s and EMC Symmetrix/Connectrix fiber SAN. Used Veritas VM, VFS for storage management, TSM for backup/recovery.
AIX systems consultant assigned to Rechters, Inc., Garrison, NJ. Responsible for all aspects of AIX systems administration on 18 RS6000 systems. Including a 7-node SP2 system, remote administration of a 2-node HACMP complex in Las Vegas, and an S80 condor in NJ. Assignment was to maintain existing systems and install, configure, and tune S80 system running a large Oracle 8 ODBMS merchandising application. Administration duties included, backup system maintenance, performance tuning and monitoring, DNS configuration for entire site, OS maintenance patches, etc operations assistance, and 24 x 7 on call. Documented system hardware, software, and procedures for client. Managed hardware and software vendor contacts, including IBM service and support.
Interlock Technology, The Consulting Group, Addison, NJ
Senior Systems Administration Consultant.
AIX system administration consultant assigned to Schering Plough Corp, Research Institute in Kennilworth NJ. Responsible for installation and maintenance SP2 systems. Responsible for general administration of systems after installation. Installed required Oracle components, Legato backup software and web application software. Worked as part of 3 man team to maintain all SP2 systems as well as 6 standalone RS6000 systems. After installation, worked primarily on performance tuning on numerous Oracle 8.i projects. In addition to general systems administration, installed applications for research teams, trained operations of Legato backup procedures and process scheduling. Participated in advisory group to recommend system configurations, application configurations, and to recommend corporation wide system management tools.
Interlock Technology, The Consulting Group/Nortex IBSC, Orlando, FL
10/1996 – 8/1999
AIX system administration specialist assigned to Nortex IBSC Orlando, FL.
Responsibilities included general system administration of IBSC outsource customers. Assigned as primary administrator to single large account, and backup on other IBSC AIX clients. Assignment required 100 percent travel to participate in large SP2 implementation project. Responsible for system administration of existing IBM R40 RS6000, planning, implementation of SP2 system consisting of four high nodes, 2.7 terabytes of IBM SSA storage 560 individual disks , running AIX 4.2.1, and Oracle OPS 7.3.4. Configuration of large terabyte class database included configuration and maintenance of raw storage and IBM s VSD technology. Played primary role in tuning of Oracle OPS application including tuning of OS, memory, OPS, VSD s and other SP specific tuning parameters. Configured and maintained backup strategy for entire system on a high volume IBM 3494 tape library with 6 IBM 3590 tape drives using IBM s ADSM Oracle s EBU and Sysback . Responsible for documentation of storage, procedures, and policies regarding the overall RS6000 environment. Maintained LAN connectivity, DNS, NFS, NIS for SP2 and R40. Managed vendor contact, maintenance, and support services. Continued implementation project after decision to upgrade and move all systems to Dallas data center. Provided principal project management on planning for RS6000 systems including but not limited to capacity planning for CPU, Storage and environmentals. Designed new Oracle OPS table layout across SSA storage using combination of RVSD s, and raid 5 technology. Managed system move team in addition to maintaining existing SP2 in NJ. Provided system tuning, stabilization, setup and checkout of new system in preparation for turnover to IS team in Dallas.
St. John Hospital, Orlando, FL
1/1992 – 9/1996
Senior Systems Administrator Midrange Systems.
Responsible for management and administration of midrange systems including 9 RISC 6000 systems running under IBM AIX 3.2.5 and AIX 4.1.4 in an HACMP environment, as well as a decision support application on a DEC ALPHA with Open VMS and a large scale optical archival system running on MS Windows NT. Maintained complete responsibilities for all aspects of user setup, support, as well as basic application support. Wrote shell scripts for management of backup, system monitoring and problem notification via message pagers. Installed and maintained async connectivity, LAN TCPIP connectivity, SNA/HCON, direct connect and LAN TCPIP printing. Trained additional operations personnel on backup, IPL and basic notification systems. Responsible for all aspects of the installation and maintenance of the St. John Hospital Physician Group s FPMG system in central Florida. Responsible for system maintenance of St. John Hospital HMO, Home Health, and Blood bank RISC systems from initial install to end user connectivity.
St. John Hospital, Orlando, FL
1/1990 – 1/1992
Software support team leader for approximately 1500 microcomputer users. Provided detailed training and support for users on standalone PC s and large Novell network. Responsible for 3 support specialists, installation of software on both standalone and network equipment. Responsible for standards for installs, support and training on all supported products. Participated in 6 week 24 hour on call rotation. Supported all standard off the shelf software as well as all in-house developed products and systems.
BS from Chadron State College, Chadron, Ne. May 1980. Major: Lifescience
Valentine High School, Valentine Ne. May 1975
Resume 14
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Steven Ernest
Highly experienced IT Professional seeking new challenges in the IT field.
Extensive experience with the management of UNIX systems. Retired from AT&T on and Corporate experience in electronics, telecommunications, and Information 09/30/98 under their Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program.
Combined Military Technologies that spans more than 30 years.
- Strong oral and written communications skills.
- Technical writing.
- Project Management
- Experienced Instructor.
- Experienced with Computer Security
- Senior UNIX Administrator.
- 18+ years of experience with UNIX systems.
- UNIX System Administration on HPUX9, HPUX10, VAX SMP UNIX, SUN OS/Solaris, System 5, AIX, and Berkley UNIX.
- Proficiency with UNIX shell, ksh, and awk.
- Knowledge of NT Server 4.0 and NT Workstation 4.0
- Skilled at hardware troubleshooting and problem solving.
- Experience managing technical employees and database clerks.
- Experienced in PC hardware and software support Windows 98/95/3.11, and MS Office .
Onix Technologies
May 2000 – December 2000
Senior Unix Administrator in Development Lab – Contract with ABA Equitable
- Unix Administration on Solaris 2.6/2.7 and HPUX 10.2
- Install, load, and configure Sun Enterprise 450 servers
- Initial install and Installation of upgrades for Netscape Server, OrbixWeb, NetDynamics, Rational Quantify, Purify, and Pure Coverage, TNG Unicenter ASO Uagent, C++ compilers, and Java.
- Author Installation and Upgrade instructions for the above listed software for loading on the production machines.
- Primary point of contact for production support.
- Compile builds of application software.
Strong Data Solutions
November 1999 – April 2000
AT&T, IP Services Systems Integration Testing – Contract with AT&T IP Services
- Responsible for test plan authoring and execution for the Public Web Site of the WorldNet Internet Performance Measurement Project.
- Load and configure Solaris 2.6/2.7 on Sparc 5, 20, Ultra 2, 10, Enterprise Servers 450, 3500, 4500, and Intel Servers.
- Load and configure Linux on Intel servers
- Network Solaris and Linux boxes.
- Unix and Linux Systems Management and Administration
- Configure and administer Linux DNS servers
- Hardware installation, configuration, and upgrades of Sparc 5, 20, Ultra 2, 10, Enterprise Servers 450,3500,4500 and various Intel boxes including Gateway, Dell, and Compaq.
Strong Data Solutions
January 1999 – August 1999
Contract with IBM
- Y2K Consultant on IBM contract with New York Presbyterian Healthcare.
- Hardware and Systems Software inventory on 400+ Unix servers
- Determined Y2K readiness on all UNIX systems hardware and software.
- Recommended actions needed to make all UNIX servers Y2K ready.
- Wrote test plans for several Hospital software applications and conducted the Y2K readiness tests per test plans.
- Received written praise from the Hospital staff for the timely and professional manner in which these test plans were developed.
New Technologies, Westminster, NJ
January 1998 – September 1998
Manager Computer room in an R&D environment.
- Administration of 4 SUN servers SUN Solaris
- Administration of 5 NT servers NT 4.0/NT 3.51/Seagate Backup Exec
- SH/KSH/AWK programming.
- Y2K readiness planning
- Perfect attendance last 5 years at AT&T
New Technologies, Westminster, NJ
March 1992 – January 1998
Systems Manager
- Senior UNIX Administrator.
- UNIX System Security
- Administration of Network Critical Network Management Application.
- Administration of 2 HP 9000 T500 servers HPUX 9/HPUX 10/Oracle .
- Administration of 2 VAX 8830 Servers VAX SMP UNIX
- Administration of 13 AT&T 3B2/600 servers System 5 UNIX
- Administration of 4 SUN servers SUN OS/Solaris
- Operating System loads, updates, and configuration.
- Extensive SH/KSH/AWK Programming
- Informix 4GL programming
- Disaster Recovery planning/implementation/documentation
- Capital Budget requirements
- Software procurement and licensing.
- Hardware procurement
- Supervisor of Database Clerks
- Designed and programmed wallboard displays in the Network Operations Center.
- Authored Customer/Supplier Agreements.
New Technologies, Westminster, NJ
August 1987 – March 1992
Project Management
- Define baseline requirements for Network Critical Network Management Application.
- Capital Budget requirements
- Software procurement and licensing.
- Hardware procurement
- Authored computer system documentation.
- Developed Training documentation.
- Delivered training class at various AT&T locations.
New Technologies, Birmingham. AL
August 1983 – August 1987
System Administration and Field Support
- Turned up new SCCS Switching Control Center System on AT&T 3B20 server
- Administered SCCS application software
- Shell Programming
- Hardware and Software National and Regional 2nd and 3rd tier support on Electronic Switching Systems.
- Established first Quality Team involving Switch Services and Operator Services.
Richter Bell Telephone Company, New Orleans
1981 – 1983
Supervisor responsible for two Electronic Switching Offices.
Supervised 10 Technicians
Richter Telephone Company, New Orleans
1974 – 1981
Electronic Switching Systems Technician.
- Software and hardware trouble shooting on Electronic Switching Systems
- Repair and alignment of N, T1, T3 and D4 Carrier channel banks.
- Installation, repair, and alignment of 2 and 4 wire trunks.
Richter Telephone Company, New Orleans
1970 – 1974
Installer Repairman
- Residential telephone installation and repair.
- PBX installation and repair.
- Cable repair
Rener Shoes, Incorporated, New Orleans
1969 -1970
Assistant Manager
United States Navy
1965 -1969
Electronics field.
May, 1996
Allentown College of St. Francis DeSales
B.S. in Computer Science, Philosophy Minor
Magna Cum Laude
Dean s List
Technical Training
- Windows NT4.0 System Administration – Alpha Technologies MS Certified Training
- Windows NT4.0 Core Technologies – Alpha Technologies MS Certified Training
- TCP/IP with Windows NT4.0 – Alpha Technologies MS Certified Training
- Windows 95 – B&N Technologies
- SNAS, NETMINDER/NTP Systems Administration – Lucent Technologies
- Training
- HPUX System Administration – HP Training
- Developing Applications Using INFORMIX 4GL – INFORMIX Training
- VAX 8800 series System Administration – DEC Training
- UNIX System5 System Administration – AT&T Training Organization
- UNIX Shell Programming – AT&T Training Organization
- “C” Programming – AT&T Training Organization
- 3B Maintenance – Bell System Training
Managerial Training – AT&T Training Organization
- Managing People and Performance
- Leadership for the Future
- Managing Conflict in the Work Place
- Managing Diversity
- Time Management
- Quality of Work Life Leadership Training
- Quality Process Management
- Work Place of the Future
REFERENCES available upon request.
Resume 15
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Jack Gusack
Osburn, VA
Over sixteen years of in-depth experience dealing with hardware/software, systems, and technology.
Specialty areas include systems analysis/design, fifteen years of UNIX systems administration on HP-UX, SUN, IBM Risc 6000, and DEC Alpha platforms, network management, database administration, imaging technologies, and database management.
Capable of completing systems integration projects of all types and sizes. Additional qualifications include Facility Security Officer, UNIX Trainer, technical proposal writing, customer presentations, sales management, and inventory control.
Master of Science, Strayer University 23 hours completed
Major: Computer Information Systems GPA 3.2
Bachelor of Science, Strayer College 1994
Major: Computer Information Systems GPA 3.6
- Veritas Foundation Suite Advanced Training 2001
- Veritas NetBackup Advanced Course 2001
- HP-UX Systems Administration and Networking II 2000
- HP-UX Hands On with MC Service Guard 1999
- HP-UX Systems Administration and Networking 1999
- Digital UNIX Systems Administration 1998
- Digital UNIX Security Management 1998
- Digital UNIX AdvFS, LSM, and RAID Configuration 1998
- Digital UNIX TruCluster Configuration and Management 1998
- Software – Veritas Foundation Suite, Veritas NetBackup, Knowledgeiplanet WebServer, Apache WebServer, HP-UX MC Service Guard, Omni-Back, HP Openview, Eco-Tools, Sendmail, DNS, NFS, NIS, Digital TruCluster, SAP, Alexandria Backup and Archive Librarian, Patrol, Maestro, Medical Manager, ADSM, Intel ProShare Videoconferencing System for PC platforms, INSOFT Communique! Videoconferencing System for UNIX systems, TOPIC DBMS , Personnel Librarian DBMS , PixTex text and image retrieval DBMS , many DOS/Windows based packages, and HTML/WEB builders.
- Hardware– HP 9000, N4000, K460, D380, SUN SparcStations, E450, E10K, E4500, E420, SUN Netra 1405, Netra T1, IBM Risc 6000, DEC Alpha 3000/500, 600, 2100, 4000, 4100, 8400, EMC Clarion Array, EMC Symmetrix, Cisco Routers, DEC Bridges, Multiplexors, Synoptics Hubs, and Intel based PCs.
- Operating Systems – Microsoft Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, OSF, Digital UNIX, and DOS.
- Networking – TCP/IP, Novell netware, ISDN, Frame Relay, BRI, PRI, T-1, and ATM.
- DBMS– Oracle 7.3.4, 8i, 8.1.5, 8.1.6, Informix, dbase IV, and Access.
05/01 Present
Manager, Business Systems Support
Senior Unix Systems administrator supporting the production support infrastructure of this new Telecommunications Company. Responsible for managing a group of Unix Systems administrators and over 45 SUN E class servers along with EMC storage devices. The SUN OS is a combination of Solaris 2.6, 7 and 8. These servers host a variety of applications running on oracle databases with web front ends. Assisted the DBA s with installation and configuration of Oracle 8.1.5 and 8.1.6. Enabled these databases to achieve optimal performance by intence troubleshooting and ultimately changing Kernel parameters. Installed and configured KnowledgeiPlanet and Apache Web Servers. Lead a team of engineers with the installation of several backup tape devices using Veritas and Netbackup to backup the enterprise. Providing all documentation associated with the project. Working with the Team to develop a disaster recovery plan and other pertinent policies and procedures. Served as the Project Manager for the complete asset inventory of the enterprise. This project was completed on time with 100 of asset accountability. In the process of renewing all equipment support agreements with SUN, Veritas, EMC, Qualstar, and ADIC.
Coligent, Inc.
08/00 04/01
Manager, Business Support Operations
Managed approximately 15 Unix Systems Administrators and DataBase Administrators in support of Coligent Business applications. Organized assigned resources, and completed projects on time and under budget. Coordinated after hours activities to include developing processes and procedures for upgrading and troubleshooting Unix servers and databases. Performed hands on work with SUN E10K attached to EMC Symmetrix storage arrays. Assisted in troubleshooting efforts on all SUN and HP servers. Led the effort to monitor all production systems using HP Openview. This effort involved setting up and configuring HP Openview and installation of agents on all clients. Assisted the Oracle and Informix DBAs with installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. Created a Tiger Team comprised of the top DBA s and Unix SA s to address major problems such as E10K performance issues and Oracle Database Upgrade issues. Worked on a project to enhance the cooperation of the Coligent Information Technology Applications and Operations divisions. Recommended hardware and software for new business applications. In charge of all hiring activities and personnel review process in the Business Support Operations group. Developed processes and procedures for Disaster Recovery efforts.
12/99 06/00
Provided high-level HP-UX support to clients in the Washington DC area. At three client locations, ensured that all HP 9000 servers were patched up to Y2K requirements. Worked on client applications including financial, database, mail, and network services. Employed my considerable troubleshooting skills to analyze and correct these applications. Authored a requirements document that will provide NetSoftPlex with a HP 9000 server capability in their Demo Center at the McLean office. Installed and configured MC Service Guard on two HP 9000 N4000 systems. These systems are attached to an XP256 disk array with fibre optic cable. Worked on sendmail problems at several locations to analyze error messages. Checked sendmail configuration files, recommended changes , and tested those changes. This particular customer was not using DNS and had a 20 MB hosts file. After thorough analysis of customer s mail environment, submitted recommendations for sendmail and DNS upgrades and improvements.
Cap Digital America
05/99 11/99
Senior Consultant
Provided HP-UX Systems support for ten HP 9000 servers that support two contracts for the US Chamber of Commerce and the United Way. These servers are running HP-UX 10.20 and are running MC Service Guard in a clustered environment. The applications are Oracle financials version 7.3.4. Assisted the Oracle DBA s with installation and configuration of Oracle 7.3.4 and 8i. Worked on enhancing Oracle performance by writing monitoring scripts, analyzing those scripts, and making the correct Kernel parameter changes. Installed and set up Hp s OmniBack Back Up software to provide restoration and backup utilities. Lead the effort in all troubleshooting and worked with vendors to correct problems. Head of the team in charge of testing and installing HP-UX 11.0. All systems are monitored with HP Openview.
ART, Incorporated
11/97 04/99
Senior Systems Software Analyst
Provided Digital UNIX Systems support for over 30 servers that handle day to day transaction processing of all company business activities. These servers run Oracle Parallel Server and SAP. Lead the effort to upgrade all systems to Digital UNIX 4.0b from 3.2g. Assisted the Oracle DBA s with installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. Enabled these databases running Oracle 7.3.4 to achieve optimal performance by intence troubleshooting and ultimately changing the appropriate Kernel parameters. Coordinated a project to determine the best course of action to take to resolve performance tuning and capacity planning issues related to memory problems on the ART Global Warehouse servers. Developed a plan to produce a document that encompasses all of the procedures, configurations, and diagrams for the SAP servers. This document will be the cornerstone for future manuals produced by the MPE/UNIX department. Monitored all systems with HP Openview. HP Openview agents were loaded and configured on all clients which included production and development servers. Lead the effort to troubleshoot numerous problems with the Digital servers. Installed and tested several systems analysis products such as UniCensus, SysCheck, DECevent, Collect, and Patrol to help resolve problems. Worked on the DNS server to enhance and expand the DNS capabilities of the Company. Volunteered to be the Emergency Building Coordinator and in this capacity organized an alert team that held the first successful fire drill in over three years at the building. Organized and planned high level meetings to resolve various issues from alert team organization to Digital Server problem solving. Volunteered to teach a UNIX course to new employees that will save the company 10,000 a year.
Insurer Physicians Services Organization
1/97 10/97
Senior MMIS Technical Analyst
Provided UNIX Systems Support and Network Trouble Shooting for the Medical Manager Information System, MMIS . Insurer Physicians Services Organization, IPSO , is a subsidiary of Blue Shield in CART Hill, Pennsylvania and is tasked to provide the MMIS for Doctors in Central PA. This system runs on IBM Risc 6000s and provides Doctors in three areas of the Mid-State with a common Client Server Information System that enables the sharing of patient information. In charge of developing and setting up a Help Desk to assist IPSO in dealing with customer questions and problems. Provided day to day management and monitoring of the system to ensure smooth operation. This involved trouble-shooting backups through ADSM and resolving both system and network problems.
ARTON9/96 – 1/97
Provided UNIX Systems Support and WAN Network Support for Insurer Physicians Services Organization, IPSO , a subsidiary of Blue Shield in CART Hill, Pennsylvania. The UNIX Systems Support was provided on five IBM RISC System 6000s and involved writing scripts, developing back up procedures through ADSM, and node configuration. Installed and configured terminals and PCs that were connected to a Frame Relay Wide Area Network. Provided technical consultation for the installation and performance of this Network. Coordinated with outside vendors to ensure the installation of the Medical Manager Information System, MMIS , was on time and correct.
7/96 – 9/96
Senior Systems Engineer
Senior UNIX Systems Administrator supporting the Corporate Systems Infrastructure for Grossman & Hamilton in their Headquarters in McLean, Virginia. Responsible for UNIX Systems Administration on four DEC Alphas and three SUN Sparc Station 1000s. These systems have numerous Oracle databases running on them and provide information for over 7000 personnel. Provided training for users of these systems, on-call support, and troubleshooting.
Sparkle, Inc.
12/95 – 6/96
Lead Systems Engineer
As Lead Systems Engineer, served as SUN Systems LAN Manager of the Technology Infusion Test Bed TITB for the U.S. Army Information Management Support Center IMCEN . Responsible for maintaining the World Wide WEB Server for the Department of the Army Headquarters in the Pentagon. As the WEB Master, designed Home pages, provided insight on new browser technology, and maintained a SUN Sparc 10 with Solaris 2.3. Tested and evaluated Netscape s Commerce WEB Server software on a Windows NT platform. This system was connected to the internet through an ASCEND ISDN Switch that was configured through PSINET. The Windows NT platform will be used as the server of choice for the Intranet. Worked on the design and implementation of the HQDA Intranet. Assisted with an Army Test and Evaluation for the next desktop workstation which included Pentiums and Windows NT.
10/95 – 12/95
Senior Computer Scientist
Senior Computer Scientist responsible for supporting the U.S. Army Operational Test and Evaluation Command on the Airborne Reconnaissance Low-Multifunctional ARL-M Limited User Test LUT . Supported the ARL-M LUT by designing and developing a Microsoft Access database that will be able to record and maniplulate all incoming test data.
Olden Professional Services
9/95 – 10/95
Senior Computer Systems Analyst
Senior Computer Systems Analyst responsible for analyzing system requirements, determining hardware/software/network alternatives, and recommending a solution to meet the needs of the Federal Emergency Management Agencies enterprise-wide architectural requirements.
Lead a task force of government and contractor technical experts in reviewing computer systems in terms of machine capabilites, man-machine time, and made recommendations for improved/modified utilization.
Innovative Studies Corporation
03/93 – 08/95
Senior Systems Analyst
Functioned as the UNIX Systems Administrator responsible for maintaining three DEC Alpha 3000/500s running OSF ver 3.1 for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in the Pentagon. Responsible for all user accounts and security procedures associated with access to the system. These workstations were networked together over ISDN lines using TCP/IP to four PCs running Windows NT. This system was capable of doing videoteleconferencing and data collaboration with INSOFTs Communique!
Served as the UNIX Systems Administrator responsible for 6 SUN Sparc 2s running SUN OS under the Defense Nuclear Agency s Advanced Technology Operational Capability ATOC contract and provided on site system support and training for all personnel assigned to the Operations Center. Responsible for all hardware/software upgrades associated with the system.
Worked with DISA on a project to install a secure WAN consisting of ATM switches, Sonet Ring, and OC 48 technology that provided videoconferencing and data collaboration capabilities to high-level Government Agencies.
Installed a series of Cisco Routers, Dec Bridges, and Motorola Network Encryption Devices to connect DNA to its Field Office in New Mexico, and the Pentagon via the DCTN.
Functioned as the network administrator, trouble shooter, and trainer for this equipment and prepared the systems accreditation plan for approval by DNA Security.
Designed and installed a LAN which consists of approximately 10 PCs running a combination of Workgroups for Windows and Windows NT over a 10 MB thinnet ethernet backbone.
Additional duty as the Facility Security Officer where he demonstrated his understanding and knowledge of the Industrial Security Manual by passing several short notice, strenuous security inspections given by the Defense Industrial Security Office.
Professional references provided from employers, college and Co-ops upon request.
Resume 16
Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.
Timothy Gustav
Unix Systems Administrator
Availability: June 11, 2002
Summary of Experience:
Mr. Gustav is an accomplished UNIX Systems Administrator, Network Administrator, and Technical Project Leader. He has 15+ years of overall I.T. experience and over five years of Unix Administration. He is also well versed with Unix Scripts, Utilities, and Kernel configuration.
Hardware and Systems
Clariion/EMC Sun Ultra 60
Compaq AlphaServer GS160
SparcStation 10 SparcStation 20
Compaq AlphaServer GS140
Sun Ultra 10 SparcServer 1000E
HP SureStore 1200
Sun Enterprise 250 Compaq RA3000 Diskarray
Compaq ESL9327 Tape Library
Sun Enterprise 450 Compaq RA8000 Diskarray
Compaq TL895 Tape Library
Sun Enterprise 3500 Compaq EMA12000 Diskarray
HP SureStore 600 Sun StorEdge L280 Tape
Library IBM RS/6000
Shell Scripts Oracle 8.1.6
Traceroute KEAX Xwindows
Compaq Storageworks
SAMBA Apache
Solstice DiskSuite
Legato 6.1 Sun WorkShop 5
PowerBroker v.8
Advanced FileSystem HP JetAdmin
Oracle Server Manager
Sybase Sendmail
Secure Shell DNS
TCP/IP HP Openview
Omniback SunSolve Patches
FTP HP WebAdmin
LVM/LSM/Veritas Volume Manager 3.1
Operating Systems
Sun Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6 SGI Irix 6.5.4
HP-UX 10.2.0
IBM AIX Caldera OpenLinix
2.4 Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.0A
10/1999 to 05/2002
UNIX Administrator
Lead UNIX Administrator responsible for 14 UNIX servers containing Solaris, Tru64, and HP-UX. Responsible for applications such as LEGATO, Veritas Volume Manager, Powerbroker, Advanced File System, FileNET, Apache, Storageworks, and Omniback.
- Resolved problems associated with new application installation. Maintained system security, managed disk space, and NFS mounts. Developed shell scripts for system management. Installed SAMBA for shares and desktop printing.
- Responsible for installation and configuration of the Tru64 UNIX operating system running on AlphaServers GS140, and GS160.
- Configured 5TB+ Terabyte Compaq StorageWorks SAN Storage Area Network comprising of four RA8000 s and one EMA12000.
- Installed Enterprise wide backup system using Legato. The over thirty backup clients are Solaris, HP-UX, TRU64, NT, Novell, and OpenVMS. The TL895 ninty six , and ESL9327 three hundred slot libraries tape drives are Xconnected to three network storage nodes. Server and storage nodes connect through gigabit ethernet fiber.
- Wrote tape library control program to facilitate mailslot management for the computer operators.
- Administrator of FileNET document imaging system running on the HP9000K platform.
- Installed SunWorkshop compiler on each Solaris machine and configured the flex license server.
- Integrated NFS shares of SunSolve CD patches to all Solaris servers.
- Designed DNS private zone of authority for court network. This consisted of one primary and two separate child domains along with two cashing only servers. One of the child domains, an OpenVMS cluster with load broker driving zone changes for telnet balancing.
03/22/1997 to 08/20/1999
Computer Scientist TR
UNIX Administrator responsible for support of SUN and SGI application servers. This includes printer queues, network monitoring, backups, and NFS. Responsible for installing upgrades, patches, C compilers network monitoring software such as Arpwatch, FDD Visualyzer for FDDI ring status, and Net Visualyzer Network packet capture. Administrator of SGI systems dedicated to analyzing network data packets. Systems also used in diagnosing fiber FDDI related problems. Router RIP packets monitored for correctness using SGI NetVisualizer.
- Assisted in providing technical answers to configuring security on AIX RS6000 server. Resolved connection problems while attaching IBM FDDI card to network.
- Technical guidance on the concept of TARing files at the administrator s request.
- Examined TCP/IP traffic to monitor the presence of broadcast storms, invalid entries in the RIP tables, duplicate IP addresses, and printer DHCP requests.
- Monitored IP traffic patterns.
- Created Cron script to automatically generate nightly reports of the previous day s network traffic on key hubs. These reports were converted to GIF images with thumbnails. Wrote automatic HTML web page generator to present reports.
- Responsible for the installation and administration of Cabletron Spectrum software used in the monitoring of network health. Spectrum Administrator responsible for installing and maintaining SPECTROServer and SPECTROGraph for monitoring SNMP devices that are cabletron HUBS, 3COM switches, HP printers, and NOVELL servers. Network Statistics and event Gathering.
- Installed Oracle Enterprise Server version 8.0.4 for Solaris on two servers. One being production, and the other a development server.
- Remedy Database Administrator responsible for the remedy server using SYBASE.
- Maintained and configured Legato backups of network monitoring systems.
4/1985 to 2/1997
Computer Service Engineer, III Senior
Home of the Internet Numbers Assignments Authority and RFC s request for comment School of Electronic/Electrical Engineering Responsible for design, administration and management of state of the art UNIX server network infrastructure with over six hundred Unix workstations, and fourty SUN servers.
- Maintained Internet root DNS server Venera .
- Tasked to configure VAX cluster for Mosaic project.
- Assigned with duty to configure and repair VAX systems running BSD and Ultrix UNIX.
- Delivered ARPANET Dot High performance single board tower computing systems running OSF1 UNIX . Based on the Intel Iwarp systems.
- Fixed connection issues associated between PDPII gateways and BBN IMP s Imp interface connected to VAX .
- Maintainer of WWVB Internet time system.
- Configured second and third generation of AI artificial intelligence systems symbolics, TI, and HP computers.
- Installed, upgraded and operated OrCAD and VersaCAD, utilize CAD to design hardware configurations, cabling, Ethernet installations, etc.
- Network engineer responsible for ethernet cable plant.
- Reconfigured, installed, managed Grandjunction HUBS, and Cisco Routers
- Installed Cabletron network HUBS and DIGITAL bridges.
- UNIX systems supporting Sun and HP workstations.
- UNIX user gemacs and tar power user. Shellscripts, News, FTP, Xarchie, and TELNET. Configuration of SparcStation20, SparcStation10, and Sun Servers.
- Installed Versacad on SUN OS. V4.
- Netstar: FileNET Administrator Training
- CSC: Cabletron Spectrum Administrator Course
- USC/ISI: LosNettos, Advanced Internet Routing
- Digital Equipment Corporation Factory VAX Mainframe Training
- Burroughs/Memorex: GENRAD 2271, including RSX11 and PDP11
OTHER: U.S. citizen with reactavateable “Secret” Security Clearance